Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 7 - Jewel's Bloodline

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#8 of KBM

It seems that heart still bled from the pain of losing my father and recovery would be a long, hard process. I guess that my mourning would never stop and my feelings were shared by the majority of the star system. Fang's good deeds were told throughout history and his name as ‘The Dragon Hero' would never die. Yet his legacy was not a fancy title or a was me. I was his only child and he had trained me in his knowledge, showing me all his skills and showed me the path of righteousness and good for which I had to follow. And I followed it with pride. Although the burden of being born to a legendary warrior was a heavy one (and one which my father had frowned at), I knew what had to be done. My father entered the grave and left me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The craft rocked heavily with the powerful storm battering us from outside, the squeal of the struggling engines keeping Cassandra on edge for every second. Even in the dim light I could see the concerned and embarrassed expression on Sly's face. I knew he never meant to do what he did but, at that time, my heart was weeping and his...'expression' was incredibly disrespectful. I decided to leave the silence as a tome to our friendship rather than try to make amends. My sight was transfixed upon my Fatalis, the Chinese style sword wielded by my father and covered in the blood of the evil. It became a twisted blade of destruction when my father's soul was tainted but soon it was restored along with his soul. I can still remember seeing his smiling face every time we trained and the warmth of his embrace. There were few times where he would hold me but I knew it was not personal; his reputation of ‘Butcher' and ‘God of War' would have been slightly hypocritical when he hugged me. Besides, our training sessions were always enough for me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This is your blade now, Jewel," smiled Fang, bathed in the radiant light of the Heavens. The people around me looked deep into the light; Krystal could see her mother, Terra could see Abigail, Sally could see Wolf, Renamon could see Irana. My heart knew to leave him but my spirit looked with his. "Don't go daddy!" I cried in utter tears. I could see his physical form fade back into prospective with Mitch standing proudly by my side. Fang opened his strong arms and held me for one last time. I felt his fur, his back, his being... "You are my daughter and I love you. I will always love you! From the Heaven's I will look upon you and protect you until your dying day. Be strong..." And with his voice fading in the wind, he was gone. My arms fell through the mist of the land, waning from his blessed form. I could feel my eyes fill with tears as Mitch caught me. I felt like I wanted to throw up and just lay their until I was dead. Then I felt it. Something of sentimental value only. A pulse from Mitch, a heartbeat of such comforting dissimilarity I could not ignore it. It was strong and proud, unlike another. Fang... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't know what happened on that day but I knew it was real and, somehow, my dad was still with me. Again I returned to the blade of Fatalis, gleaming at me like the sparkle of life in Fang's eye. I knew I would do him proud. "It's pretty rough!" chuckled Sly, nervously. "I guess it is..." I replied with a fading interest in my voice. I could tell his nerves were playing up and his embarrassment rise. I also knew of his feelings and, although his actions were not of his intentions, he still caused me a great deal of grief. It was a comical gesture (although not of his will) but it was at the wrong time. "Again, I'm sorry about what happened Jewel," he beckoned, timidly, "It was not meant in any insolent manner. I just..." I could see the humiliation and guilt build as he tried desperately to catch my wandering eyes. The sight of the lightening outside glisten on his slightly tearing eyes was enough to evoke some sympathy from me. "Forget it," I sneered, keeping as much pride as I could. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ancient stones whistled their lament of their age as the brutal elements shock the foundations to the core. The castle was situated on a crest surrounded by black seas as cold as the outer reaches of space. The waves were so powerful that the spray of the sea splattered across the lower windows of the house with such force it would sound as if the house was crying in torturous pain. The long halls and corridors reached high above the heads of those unlucky enough to enter it's walls. Mina sat exhausted at a large, centred, stone desk with bubbling tubes and vials in front of her dropping eyes. She was chained by her legs to the stall that she worked at. Her stomach growled in hungry as her head faded in and out of consciousness. Even with her fatigue, Mina displayed the rock solid technique and precise workings of a true scientist, every measurement taking to such a accurate reading that mistakes seemed impossible. "How's it going, bunny?" came a snide voice by her side. Stood next to her was a tall figure with muffled grey hair and thick spectacles. We wore a long, shredded lab coat covered in dust and cobwebs. His long, grey fur showed his age yet his chiselled features gave him a eccentric, energetic form. His beady, rat eyes scanned across Mina's results in great interest. "It's difficult... Simple parallax can alter the results in such away that the mixture becomes so truly unstable it will decompose. Normally I would have machines," insisted Mina. "Well you don't have any machines! I expect this to be done soon," growled the rat. Mina snarled at his impatience but continued her work, knowing full well the device around her neck could be set off at anytime. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The craft landed at the door of the mansion as Cassandra stood by us in judgement. "Look," she began, "This is not going to be easy. Both of you are fully capable of taking care of yourself but you must work as a team to take care of each other. You can't do that when you feel this way about each other. Now, you either kiss and make up or I drop you both in the ocean and we'll see how well you can work as a team after that!" I wanted everything to be the same between me and Sly again, I really did. It just seemed like for some farcical excuse such as pride, I felt that an apology would be unfounded. "Go on!" Sly scratched the back of his head in remorse, "I'm sorry I upset you." I could see the glow of sincerity in his eyes, the look that told me that exoneration would be the right thing to do. That glow...that precise glow of such tenuous evidence and yet such strong emotional trigger appeared yet again. It told me everything would be okay, everything was at peace. Fang... I grabbed Sly heartily and returned the girl I knew back into her rightful place before for the revenge and spite, "I forgive you! I'm so sorry for being angry for so long!" I could Cassandra give a cheerful smile before grabbing her shotgun and shunting some shells into the chamber. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I grow weary of this wait, rabbit," grumbled the rat, adjusting his glasses, "If you are of no use then I shall be done with you." Precious memories flooded back into Mina's mind; Peppy, Raven...all her friends. She needed to see them again. "I promise I will not fail you. This is the final stage." Mina could feel his judgemental eyes burning holes in the back of her head. She held a purple mixture in a beaker in front of her and another with a green mixture. As carefully as she could, Mina decanted a small measure from one into another. The mixture sizzled and flared with the addition as the coloured changed colour. It turn blood red. "It is complete," sighed Mina, wiping the sweat from her forehead. With his slender finger the rat produced a syringe and removed a quantity of the liquid, flicking the glass to remove an extra drops from the tip. Walking to the corner of the room to a cube shaped sheet and whipping it away, he revealed Renamon unconscious within a cage. "RENAMON!!??!" cried Mina in surprise, alarmed by the presence of her friend. Picking a precise spot between the golden fur, the rat dug the needle in and squeezed the liquid through. Opening the cage door and dragging her out, Mina rushed to her side and supported her head against her knees. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!??!! THAT WAS FAR TOO MUCH!!" Renamon's muscles twinged as Mina backed away in horror. "I have already corrected her blood pH," he chuckled, manically, "And now it is finally time for a Lycan to be born!" "The dose was too high! She will be uncontrollable!" The rat ignored Mina's warning as she took off down the corridor. Renamon's fur burst into new life, growing thick and wild like the beasts of the moon; it faded with colour into the brown of the marsh lands. Her eyes clouded over and returned again into a form of such pinpoint perception that the stars were as close as the prey she would hunt. Her snout grew long and her feet strong for sprinting. Teeth exploded from her jaw in a spray of blood, sharp enough to rip a being into pieces couple with an equally as sharp set of claws. With a heavy, roaring breath, Renamon pulled herself to her feet and screamed to the corridors. "I created you," proclaimed the rat with hints of fear in his voice, "Follow me and obey." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following a large, winding staircase, me, Sly and Cassandra readied our weapons for anything that came our way. Fatalis laid prepared on my back, ready to fulfil it's oath to blood and flesh. We knew not what would appear from the unknown which gripped us more than any physical threat could. Reaching the top, Cassandra heard a noise and stopped us on the top step. A pair of footsteps rushing towards us echoed through the hallway. Cassandra readied her weapon only to find a terrified Mina appear in her sights. "Mina?!?" "WE NEED TO GO!!!" A blood-curdling scream boomed through the ancient stone followed by the growl of a creature escaped from hell itself. Practically grabbing us by the throats, Mina pulled us back down the staircase. We were three turns down when a large figure appeared at the top. A giant wolf, resembling Renamon, appeared at the top and, with a mighty leap, flung herself down to where we were. The wolf tackled Cassandra as me and Mina dived out the way. "JEWEL, GET HER OUT OF HERE!!!" she screamed, sliding from the razor-sharp, grip. I followed her instructions, knowing that Mina had been through enough. Removing her sword, Cassandra made a huge leap back from her part of the staircase with Renamon following. Sly began to unload his shotgun as Cassandra zipped from point to point on the stairs. Each swipe through the air came closer and closer to striking Cassandra. Sly took aim and pinpointed his sight on the next landing. As Renamon grasped the side of the stairs, Sly unloaded three shells making her grip fail. She fell to through the air and down to the ground. As she passed me and Mina however, she grappled me, sending me to the bottom with her. The trio made it to the ground floor and stood concerned as the beast held me in her claws. I squeezed myself away and drew my sword, turning only to call them away. "GET OUT OF HERE!!!" "But, Jewel..." "GO!!!!" Although reluctant, the three had to help Mina and get her to safety. I found myself staring into the predatory glare of the new Renamon, baying for my blood to spill. I stood my ground with my sword in a horizontal guard, awaiting the first blow. Her first swipe was strong yet the strike of my steel kept firm as I held the block. Her strength was immense but I couldn't let my guard down. Parrying her away, I gave her a dragon cannon blast, sending her flying against the hard rock wall. Pouncing through the smoke, she held me down by the throat, her slaver for the kill dripping near my face. Summoning my dragon power shunted her back, I hit her with another dragon cannon and rushed off to the others. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been sheer torment for Krystal, the voices of her friends in mortal danger crying in her head and nothing she could do about it. Her mind thumped in pain as she rocked herself slowly in mental solemn anguish. Her sleep had deteriorated as her will of rescue or freedom died slowly. She was literally hours from losing her sanity. Then...something strange. A voice rung out from the rest; one much louder than the others and one she could help. Humming the melody at first, Krystal broke out into the mystic song to calm all woes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was steps away from the back of the craft when a claw smash sent me to the sharp rocks below. I had not the strength to remove Fatalis and it seemed to was over...I had failed my father. Something had stopped Renamon, however. She had ceased her attack and stopped hypnotic at a mystical sound. Something cerebral yet so tangible it calmed the strong winds and solid rain. "Rysonia, rysona enfentai lontu, Ironta yol en ef en ia ru, Solofan malek, soloran dusu, Rysonia, rysona enfentai lontu." I could feel the fire burn deep within me and the saying, the oath of the Dragon Ranger that I swore to my father... I took a few steps back and looked into the clearing skies; I could see the pinnacle of Heaven and my father look upon me with pride and glory for which I wanted so much. My dragon spirit exploded from my being and stretch it's wings in energy. "Under starry nights, through stormy skies no treachery shall escape my eyes," I began, holding my hands to the Lycan, "Let those who would dare to plot and conspire be purged from this world by the dragons fire!!!" A spiralling pillar of flame engulfed the cursed Renamon as she cried in pain. The light burst from the eyes and hands as purity washed over the scene, calming the sea and skies into little quake and quarrel. I dropped my hands and fell to my knees in exhaustion. As I looked up I found a golden kitsune on the floor once again. In the clouds came a familiar smile and a pulse of the moment. That pulse of resounding joy and the reassurance that justice had been done. Fang... (((This took me a while... Cassandra, Mitch, Mina Ortex, Terra and Sly are under copyright of me, SPAMZZKRR. Jewel and Fang are under copyright of the super-human Dragon Knight! Renamon is under copyright Bandai. COMMENT PLEASE!!!)))