The Worm and the Fish

As the worm dangled on the end of his line, the fisherman became frustrated that none of the fish were biting, and began to curse the worm for being lousy bait. "Stupid worm", he said, "wriggling around like that and warning all the fish away. I swear...

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Chapter 5 - Fate's Cruel Irony

Location: Valkyrie â€" Alexandria System "Colin, I cannot break the umbilical cable!" shouted Djynn. "The alien vessel seems to be ignoring us for the time being." Colin felt powerless to stop what was happening to Alexandria but he still had...

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Winds of Fate: Homecoming

By cruel irony, it was of the present with all the people who made the town grow and prosper. the same people who threw her to the sea.

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Character for Shadowrun Story: Franz

He just laughs, thinking of the cruel irony of it all. he would blame it on the surge that turned him into "this." but that's him now, and people fear his appearance.

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Tails of a Cloud Skunk Ch 2: Career Trajectories

That at full height, he barely came up to matthew's chest was a cruel irony when one thought of the footprint he held in the industry. both figuratively and literally speaking. patrick thrust out his tiny hand for a shake, and smiled.

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Ocean Avenue: Luck of the Draw (Chapter 1)

cruel irony. maybe it's a string of bad luck, maybe it's my personality, i could never figure it out. so, after i changed schools a few more times, i tried to hide behind a mask.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 11

"my dear, dear guardian" breathy, dark voice intoned friendly ignus couldn't help himself, but to chuckle under his breath due to welter of contradictions and cruel irony.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 61

What a cruel irony, to think she believed that the consequences of their struggle against the taint will bring unrecognizable and perhaps deadly consequences to the temple and faith itself.

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Shadow and Troy Pt. 4: Past and Future

But that's the cruel irony of it all isn't it? the horrible joke we play on ourselves. we never understand the true worth of what we have right in front of us, until those last few seconds before it's gone forever."

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Dance of the Blood Moon: Chapter 3

In that time i'd taken a bath in my private hottub beneath the palace, reflecting on memories and the cruel irony of the misunderstanding leading to holume's cruel death.

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Antithesis, An ancient stage is set

It says, 'the gods, in their fear that the chosen who would destroy this hated foe would turn against them as well', then there is a word i don't know, then 'in the gods' cruel irony the...'"

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