Omnimodus Luminare

It can be long or short and is bioluminescent, but to a much lesser degree than their bones. hair structure: the hair of a luminare dragon is formed of tetartoid dodecahedron crystals.

The Beginning: Repetitive Dreams

Sometimes it seems that I am living a second life, I have never been able to quite understand the dreams I have every night. I see myself as a normal human being driving with 3 friends, we must have been going somewhere important, maybe to a big...

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Antithesis, An ancient stage is set

And chapter twleve. I hope you enjoy it. As always, comments are appreciated and...

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Deeper within

An enormous, bulbous, bluish, bioluminescent core from which a massive network of vines and mosses originated.

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Our little light show

And outside as my love eyes open, a world of bioluminescence lights began to flash all around. most of the lights were bluish green flashes. soon those flashes were all around the ship.


Experimentations (A Lesson in Beginnings) Prologue

Touma looked down to see that his solid black fur had no been frosted with toxic bioluminescent green. "green? really?"

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Second official character typed out charactersheet

Tail with the shark fin as teeth are like a dragons mixed with shark with a second row of retractable teeth to be able to speak and have almost a metallic look the fleshy bits that aren't armor like scales for example internal organs or the inside mouth are bioluminescent


First official character

Small space comfort, as well as 9 tails all but one is retractable this tail having a split acting as a second toothless but slimy (the slime acting as a preservative an evaporates when not in the body or mouth living subjects can breath wile in the slime) bioluminescence


Astaroth part2 chapter2 -How it all began

He would rather play in the shore after dark, because he always liked to see how the bioluminescent water glows, giving the night an eerie appearance. then he realized he was late so he ran for it.

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Double-Edged Blade

Nearly everything within the creature seemed to have bioluminescence to it, giving a real shining feel. not to mention the showering petals from the trees, glowing rose in color.

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What are some Kyruku customs?

However, once the ingredients from keyross enter the subject's system (namely the sweet, bioluminescent fruit found in underground caverns on keyross, that ordinarily, are moderately poisonous.), it can induce a variety of effects, some, much more serious

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Aya and the dragon

The space in the tree was dark, but was illuminated by the glow of a few bioluminescent mushrooms and glowing stones. as the dragon landed its feet crushed the skeletons of previous guests. the dragon then shook its self to get aya off of its neck.
