Chapter 5 - Fate's Cruel Irony
#5 of Valkyrie - Pegasus - Book 3 - The Light of the End
Location: Valkyrie â€" Alexandria System
"Colin, I cannot break the umbilical cable!" shouted Djynn. "The alien vessel seems to be ignoring us for the time being."
Colin felt powerless to stop what was happening to Alexandria but he still had a duty to protect his new home.
"What the hell?" shouted Colin as he watched the tactical display in front of him. The rest of the crew watched in horror as the obsidian black alien ship began to fire a ominous black beam at the planet's surface causing it to crack like an egg.
The planet began to implode on itself slowly, like a ball being crushed by an invisible hand. "Noooooo!" shouted Ultraviolet as she rushed forward to see Colin. "Do something!" she said with tears in her eyes. She had told nobody about her vision at Eclypse's death and this was the price of her inaction.
Colin stood up and grabbed her in an embrace, turning her away from the image of the imploding planet so she did not have to see it. "Engage engines... we are going to have to shake ourselves loose!" he finally commanded.
Blackfire looked up at him as if he was completely insane. "Captain that is not advisable!"
"I know the risks now do it... I have got a bad headache and I am not in the mood to hear you whine about my orders..."
"Understood" Blackfire moved off Djynn's console to the other side of the room and sat down at the engineering post. He tapped a few controls and the large green drive engines on the back of the Valkyrie sprung to life however the ship was still attached to the disabled stations umbilical and docking lines.
The planet had almost completely imploded but was also shooting out debris that was striking the shipyard facility in orbit, causing more damage. A white anomaly began to emerge at the centre of the imploding mass that was Alexandria.
"How long we go?" asked Colin quickly. Djynn was very quick to respond, he stared back at Colin before speaking again. "About five minutes, if we do not break free, we will most likely be destroyed from the stellar debris.
"Can you disconnect the stations lines that are holding us here?" he asked as he cradled a sniffling Ultraviolet in his arms.
"Station controls are not responding, the command centre of the shipyard has already been destroyed!"
"The power up the drive engines to full and lets punch our way out!" ordered Colin much to the shock of Blackfire but this time he did not complain to him.
The Valkyrie moved forward and began to pick up speed, the umbilical cords that had provided the ship a constant connection to the shipyard's power had reached their limit and tore out of the hull, leaving behind deep scars in the new Valkyrie's hull. The ship tugged and tugged and finally broke free of the last umbilical which was connected to the top half of the ship. It ripped out causing a massive scar to form on top of the clean hull but the Valkyrie had managed to finally break free.
The planet had completely crumpled away and the rest of the debris of the centre of the planet was being sucked into the white vortex that had emerged, stronger then the one at Terra. The Valkyrie was powerless but suddenly the obsidian black ship turned to face them.
"Shit!" shouted Colin. "Evasive action! We can't let one of those beams touch this ship!"
The newer Valkyrie was swiftly piloted and managed to glide over the top of the huge Obsidian ship while avoiding each and every beam. Colin was amazed, surely the main computer was not that advanced that it could preform complex flying like that. Then he noticed Anna sat the helm which he had not noticed before. He did not want to admit it but damn that woman could fly.
"Nice flying..." he said sharply to Anna who returned a nod of acknowledgement as she weaved in and out of the damaged pieces of station and debris from the planet.
"Power up the new drive..." commanded Colin but Blackfire intervened before he even finished his sentence. "Sir... the Star Drive is only supposed to be used if we have a set of co-ordinates..."
"If we stay here we are dead!" shouted Colin. "Now do it!"
"Here goes..." said Blackfire as he activated the drive that caused the entire ship to ripple away like being a pond before phasing completely into white. The only problem was... they were jumping blind.
Location: Terra â€" Serenity Island â€" 250 Years Ago
Kestra felt the Collectives influence on her, she could hear them in the back of her mind, spreading through her like a poison. It had been a long and costly campaign to take on the Asgard rouge Galladia and her Dark Collective. She was battered and tired and just wanted to end it all right now...
But she couldn't... she had to keep going.
She looked up and saw a large flaming object breaking up in the planets atmosphere, it passed over the sun, blocking out the light as it continued to break up until there was a loud and deafening explosion when the ship passed out of range.
"So much for the Valkyrie" smiled Kestra as she collapsed to the floor, her hand clutching a sword. The grass was soft, like a bed of rose petals as she felt the collective will beginning to echo in her mind, turning her veins a little darker after each passing second. Kestra knew that she would have to kill herself, she never wanted to become Galladia's tool.
She felt somebody help her up, but she was almost ready to die. She looked back to find a rat, who looked equally tired and injured helping her up back to her feet.
"Let me die..." she whispered as she stood up. "Please... Eclypse..."
"No Kestra" sighed the rat as he attempted to pull her up to the hill towards the sanctuary at the top. "You can't die... you have to fight otherwise the entire universe is doomed... Please Kestra..."
Kestra dropped to the floor again, this time kneeling and trying to catch her breath. He was asking the impossible, she had lost everything... her ship, her friends and now how was she supposed to save the world with the collectives virus altering her... turning her into one of those mindless drones that only served Galladia.
"I can hear.. them" she weakly chanted as Eclypse help her up again. "They are calling to me..."
"Fight it!" shouted Eclypse in her ear, slinging his rifle behind his back. "You have to fight it, I can't lose you to the Collective... what hope has Terra got then?"
"I can't fight it... kill me... KILL ME NOW!" shouted Kestra. She had been through so much in this war that she just could not keep going. Eclypse got his fist and punched her hard in the face, he could not stand to hear the great Kestra Valentine whining like this.
"Get a hold of yourself!" shouted Eclypse shaking the injured Kestra. "You still have fight in you... some virus is not going to turn you into a mindless zombie! I won't allow it... if it comes to that I'll kill you but you HAVE to keep going."
Kestra nodded and looked up the hill with a renewed sense of hope, she broke away from Eclypse and began to walk up the hill on her own, trailing the sword behind her. Both the Asgard and Galladia had twisted everything that she believed.
She had finally learned the truth about her origins during a second confrontation with Odin. She had been the pet project of her father Leviticus Valentine, who after discovering about the Asgard trapping Galladia on Serenity Island had used her DNA and his own to create a child. She was supposed to be Terra's hope for protecting their empire against anyone that would threaten it.
Kestra scoffed to herself... "Some hope" she thought sarcastically. Kestra exhibited no powers above that of a normal Terran, no mysterious Asgard powers otherwise she would not have allowed her entire crew and ship to be lost to the battle overhead. She would never have become infected with the Dark Collective virus which forced people to act for Galladia.
But she was construct... an attempt to harness a power that Terra did not fully understand and that made her sick. She was never meant to be.
She climbed up the hill towards the doors of the sanctuary, the place that had held Galladia for so long before Leviticus released her accidentally. She held herself against the wall of the sanctuary as Eclypse tried to open the doors.
She still felt the virus spreading through her body but no matter what her shortcomings... she would end this, for her crew and all the people that had died along the way. Terra's war with the Asgard was a mistake and after Galladia was destroyed. Asgard would sit in judgement against the world...
She could only hope for the best... whatever that was.