"I forsook myself, Paulie"

I forsook the drugs, i forsook my atheism, i forsook brittain, i forsook my homosexuality. i forsook myself, paulie, but i didn't knew it, i didn't knew it when it was too late.

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My God Is A Fox

Somehow, even through my atheism, even through my distinct shunning of the catholicism i was raised in, i feel a closeness to those sitting quietly.

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._ _i don't think i've ever told you this, but atheism's never been associated with hopelessness for me. you see, it's not that i wish there were an afterlife but can't convince myself that it's possible for there to be one.

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Astral High - Chapter 43

Your parents are christian and you're gay-" [kyle] "we came to terms on that and the atheism thing." "well, even so, it's hard to justify an overnight change from a common, red, fox to this blinding color show."

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Daily life in Abun: Ten facts (Part I)

. **7) atheism doesn't exist in abun, because everybody believes in the gods. however...** the abunese are very religious people.

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Chapter 3

Give it another twenty years, and creationism will be more common place than atheism." "... your pastor?"

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Common Ground

While most of psychology had tended to take either christianity or atheism as default or 'normal' depending on whether the psychologist in question had been an atheist or a christian himself, jung had taken great care to encourage psychologists to meet their

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I, Dacien - Chapter 15 - interlude iii

[the out campaign: scarlet letter of atheism](http://cdn.cloudfiles.mosso.com/c116811/a-100-v3.png)](http://outcampaign.org/)

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Mano wasn't fazed by eli's atheism. she'd lived in a religiously diverse environment for most of her life, mostly around muslims and sikhs, none of which her parents had taught her to think less of because of their beliefs.

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Leviathan 09: Gospel in Chrome

Ever since atheism's meteoric rise in the late twenty-first century, people had struggled to truly understand the purpose of religion, even if they found themselves a part of it.

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Share Alike

"judaism, buddhism, christianity, hinduism, voodoo, islam, daoism, even atheism, if you choose to think of it as one," he'd elaborated. "sometimes i go through all of them successively in one day.

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Surface (Chapter 4)

I don't think i've ever told you this, but atheism's never been associated with hopelessness for me.

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