Voodoo, the Ambitious Necromancer

The demon gave no response save for fear, so voodoo figured that she'd elicit a little bit more.

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The Loa Pantheon

#1 of scion material a description of the voodoo pantheon from scion **name:** the loa **culture:** voodoo **details:** the loa are divinities of ancient west africa, transplanted through slavery to the caribbean and north and south america.

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Cloud Factory

Be it about this being a voodoo-loon, or that it was actually to someone else and not himself-?

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Meds

Look in any bottle of your medical inventory. Do you see a rolaid or an aspiring staring back? No, you see a vulpine witch doctor peddling whatever psychosis will free you from your social obligations. Meds deals in meds from a secluded hut on an...

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Twelve

Was he going to, like, make a voodoo doll of them or something? was voodoo even real? after everything i'd seen, it was a little surprising to find out i could still_not_ believe in something. but where would the killer have left something behind?

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Gotta Love That Bomber

voodoo explosion was one of their party songs, and it quickly became a household phrase for any large gathering of people rocking out in the most creative ways they can think of). on the right shoulder is a billiards ball with the number "69."

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The Fattest Doll of All

Mystic was enjoying his stroll through the retail district, taking his time to enjoy the birdsong and observe all the varied furs sauntering about as they, too, enjoyed the wonderful weather. The overcast and drizzly conditions earlier in the week had...

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Forty Two

His weird voodoo crap might not have let me hurt him, but it couldn't stop me from knocking his hand away from the tattoo on his neck. as soon as it was gone, the flames vanished. for the first time, a spark of anger lit up amnubar's eyes.

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Dragon's Pride 8

"i can't really trust a voodoo using dragon," said spyro. "but i must say, this world and your friends are so goddamn weird."

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Terror in a World of Murky Puddles

"i sincerely hope that the god-damn tin-man came romping through here, because there should not be a horde of those damn voodoo shits outside our door!"

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Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Growing up 5

"vincent...is now a coach for the biloxi voodoo." i paused. i just kind of stood there and stared down at the floor when i heard that. wei is gone. the one person who i always went to for help and guidance....was gone.

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Dealing With Death

Angel was busy looking through her spell books to find the answer to their problem but so far all she found was the basic necromancer and voodoo ressurrection spells until there was one last book in her shelf regarding the gods and demons of asgard.

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