Can You Blame Me?

Can you blame me? Sick of hands forced into My truth, my perception. Thrusting themselves Into places they don't belong. Those few Who manage privacy being dashed through Governmental swords, eyes. The fly that melds Into obscurity, the one least...

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V=65_y8tqf8ga&feature=related pacifism i felt like i was floating in the air, nothing could be touched, i was just floating.

Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Meds

Look in any bottle of your medical inventory. Do you see a rolaid or an aspiring staring back? No, you see a vulpine witch doctor peddling whatever psychosis will free you from your social obligations. Meds deals in meds from a secluded hut on an...

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The Modern Slave

Of course there was some protest by various religious groups, but ultimately scientific utilitarianism won over religious idealism and slave pacification was embraced by society_."

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Slave pacification (3)

Two pointy ears rocked back and forth above the locker door, like a ship caught in a heavy storm. Abruptly the ears sunk beneath the metal horizon, and then suddenly popped up again, followed by the lynx head that supported them. Dangling beside it...

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Slave Pacification (1)

They simply can't see how our experiments proof the pacification method really work. but by taming a wild wolf, turning a savage beast into compliant dog, that'll surely win them over...

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Slave Pacification (2)

Doulos Laboratories, meeting room There were twelve men of various species, all of them were neatly dressed in the standard company security uniforms. Their attention was caught by the panthress who stood at the head of the table. Because of the...

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The Sable Islands

In world war ii, when the japanese were pushing to claim the pacific, the sable islands were chosen for a secret project to intercept us naval shipments but were soon cut off to any resources once the american pacific campaign spearheaded towards the

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ULEMI: Urgent Weapons Update

Xd from the publicly released files of united law enforcement and military international: effective immediately law enforcement in the border city districts under the control of the feline federation: pacific south eastern sector pacific north eastern

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Jasmine the Indomitable (teaser)

Let me give you the proper background for the cute little filipina i was before i led a fleet of water gurglers nee humans into the pacific ocean. _eeeeee click click click eeeeee!_

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He decided he will pass on like this, in the freezing waters of the north pacific ocean, looking for his future elsewhere, only to find his end.

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The Ronin Saint: Chapter One:

He had added the pacifer clan symbol to the helmet and a set of horns. to the kevlar vest he had added chain mail sleeves with kevlar plate mail. in the body armor he looked like an oni form japanese fairy tales.

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