Possessed StoryLine

THIS IS ONLY THE STORY LINE. THIS WILL BE A COMIC AND WILL LATER COME IN PAGE BY PAGE. DO NOT FLAME ME IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT. JUST LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE. Possessed Story line Two young wolves, one is a werewolf the other is a demon/Werepyer mix....

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A previous verson of my story idea, please not this is a beta version of my story line written long ago

The City of Nora, a sanctuary,a cemetary, A cese pool of corrupt idividuals and corperations. Grounds ripe for revolutionaries. SIre corperation primie provider in medical and phamisudical developers Nexe coperation primire provider of arms and...


A clan's new member

Dreams are the way a creature's subconscious speaks to them, sometimes the message is loud and clear, other's will only be revealed through time, when one dreams, often enough they are being told something they missed. Chapter 7 | | woke in...

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By My Side

A shame, is it not, for a rose to be cut from its stalk before it can reach full bloom. I am a newlywed at the young age of twenty-five, yet my life is to be taken from me. My existence has been nothing but tragedy. When I was six, we met with a car...

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Magic Training

Throughout the history of dragons, it seems we have been kept in the dark, losing strength while the enemy bent on our destruction grew stronger. Perhaps we were never meant to destroy the darkness. Perhaps it was always meant to win. Though if that...

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Chapter 17 Part 2

While his mate had brushed Ymerc's outbursts to the side, Cyndrithil knew there was something more going on. Not only did his outbursts concern Cyndrithil, but when Ymerc said he had a dream concerning Britosa, Cyndrithil knew it was...

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Colors Of Destiny

Author's Note: This is an Anthro fan fiction, in a world where furries and humans coexist, there is going to be gay romance, thought nothing MUCH explicit, if I do it I'll surely tell! Colors of Destiny Chapter 1: Blessed Scarf It was in an Old...

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Commission: Heads of Cerberus Chapter 1

**Secret World** The easy yawn that came over his lips temporarily shut out the sound of the booming headphones that he kept over his ears, a hand came up to try and muffle his own mouth to prevent onlookers from looking down at the roof of his mouth...

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Our Lives

This was originally going to be a slice of life kind of storyline but i foresaw too many problems and decided to keep a more direct storyline...

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Dire Situations - Chapter 2

:)_ _if i make a third chapter it was be lengthy and contain more about the storyline and plot_.

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Chapter 17 Part 1 History of Shadows

_Since her death, Britosa has appeared every now and then to guide the dragon clans out of dangerous times, the last time she appeared to a dragon was in front of the entire clan, though they saw her, they had grown confident in their strength and...

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