Dire Situations - Chapter 2

Story by Kinz on SoFurry

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This is the second installment to my twisted series Dire Situations. Let me know what you think! Any constructive criticism is always appreciated ^^.

Before reading: This chapter will be less gruesome than the first one and will contain just as much information about the storyline and plot (so... nothing). Something I didn't mention before that I probably should have mentioned to begin with is that this story will be focused around 2 first-person main characters (for now), which ultimately results in more confusions as to which one is which. Though I'm sure it wont be too hard ;).

This story is a work of fiction, any characters or places within are creations of my imagination and do not represent real life people or places. The subject matter will vary dramatically, reader discretion is advised.

"Hurry up man! We don't got all day!" I shouted.

This was taking much longer than I had anticipated. I couldn't help but wonder if we were in the right house to begin with.

"Dude, this is the house, I can feel its presence." Knorr replied viciously.

"Alright, If this is the house then why haven't we found it?"

"Well... I don't know... Clearly they're good at hiding it."

"Then why don't we ask the old geezer where she put it?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, CHRIS! WE'LL FIND IT." Knorr growled. "And besides, this isn't a very big house; it shouldn't take that lo-"

Before he could finish his sentence the front door of the house opened, followed by a strange voice.

"Hey Grandma, It's Ken, I have the baked goods you asked for."

Knorr looked at me wide eyed with one finger against his muzzle, shushing our conversation. Both of us were in a state of shock and both of us looked at each other for a plan, but nothing arose.

"Grandma... hello?"

"You fucker!" Knorr whisper, punching me in the arm.

I let out a growl and quickly covered my mouth. There is no way the person below didn't hear that. Sure enough a voice came from the hallway in front of the kitchen.


"He thinks that was his grandma!" Knorr chuckled.

"Yeah well maybe grandma better get moving before grandma gets caught!" I whispered angrily.

Just then Knorr moved over to one of the cabinets nearby and started searching.

_"Knorr! Let's go! We dont have time to mess around. The boss said that if we encounter anyone we are to abandon the mission and get back safely."_I whisper again.

Knorr pulled out an old flowery night gown from the cabinet and held it up to his chest with a big smile on his face.

I had to admit he looked rather ridiculous, but with our current predicament it was hard to even crack a smile.

"Come on Knorr, we gotta go!"

"If he thinks we're his grandma we gotta look the part, right?"

"NO! LET'S GO! If you don't come now I'm leaving without you..."

There was silence for a moment and then the rustling sound of Knorr trying to put on the obviously too small night gown.

"That's it... I'm not waiting for this goof any longer." I thought to myself as I opened the door cautiously. I made my way down the stairs making no more than a pin drop of sound when suddenly that voice called out again.


There's no way I'm getting out of this one without being seen. I had to think of some way to draw his attention from the base of the stairs long enough to make a dash for the back door. My feet trembled and my heart raced when again the voice called out.

"Grandma! Did you forget to put your hearing aid in, again?"

The palms of my handed started to sweat. Then my heart stopped when Knorr called out to the individual.

"Sonny... is that you?" He yelled in a very pathetic old woman's voice.

"WHO THE FUCK'S THERE?" The voice screamed.

It was now or never, I ran for the back door directly across from the base of the stairs. As I ran I turned my head in the direction the voice was coming from. He was an otter, which explains why he lives in isolation. Even though he was little to no treat I kept running towards the door and pushed it open. Once I was out I ran as fast as I could in the direction away from the house.

Through the wildest of thickets I ran; ripping the spanish moss off my muzzle as it wrapped itself around. I ran until I couldn't run any longer, leaving the house far away out of sight. I stopped, resting my handpaws on my knees while looking around trying to catch my bearings. I was lost. I thought about going back to the house for a moment but then scratched that idea as it was too dangerous. So instead I pushed forward.

Before long I entered a part of the forest that was less dense. As I continued to walk forward the trees cleared and I found myself on top of a plateau that overlooked a small village. If I had to guess, that was the village we started in, Vieuxsaule, otherwise known as Old Willow village.

The sun was setting and it was getting colder by the minute. I could either make camp here or attempt to scale this dangerously high, not to mention steep, plateau. Heights are not my forté so it was a relatively easy decision. I searched around for a rock edge I could sleep next to keep myself safe from the lurking creatures at night. Sure enough a perfect ledge revealed itself to me in the setting suns final gaze. The ledge was small but it had a crescent shape to it that would keep me out of any nasty weather. I dropped down to the ledge, sat down on a rock and reached for my backpack. To my surprise there was no backpack on my shoulders.

"What the fuck..." I sighed to myself as I remember putting it down in the house while searching.

The sun set and the first of 3 moons poked out of the horizon. I rested my head on a mossy rock and overlooked the horizon thinking about today's events.

I wondered what Knorr was doing. I wonder if he was still alive or if his lust for blood made him kill that poor person. Knorr isn't the kindest of folk but strangely he has a soft spot for cute guys... He's a very buff, highly masculine, Cains sapiens. His fur is brown and his underside is white. He has a scar on his muzzle that stretches all the way across his eye. He recently had a claw transplant where he replaced his claws with stainless steel ones so he'd be more combat ready. As for me, I'm the complete opposite in every way, including our intellectual capabilities. We are brothers though; our fur colour is relatively the same. Mines a reddish brown and his is a chocolate brown.

The second moon had made its appearance in the night sky making it roughly 11:00pm. My weary eye's had finally shut and my world slipped out from underneath me... then suddenly... darkness.

End of Chapter Two

Let me know what you think! :)

If I make a third chapter it was be lengthy and contain more about the storyline and plot.