The Scout
orchid cautiously lifted a paw and one drifted close. it rested on a fingertip and orchid felt a flow of scattered memories.
The Spirit of the Law
"so when orchid was so desperate to cut her workload in half that she created me..." "it made them look bad," orchid sighed.
Eye of a Needle
"we still don't know what she was doing there," orchid reminded her, "if anything."
Getting Squishy
"you look really nice, ruby," orchid said, smiling. "you're cute." "you too." --- when orchid inevitably had to take his leave a few days later, they lingered at the gate, holding paws. "come back soon, yeah?" ruby said. "for sure," orchid replied.
A fur meets a monster
orchid: w-what a-are..y-you... the female snake creature laughed before she moved towards her. female: im going to eat you..and if you must know.. im a lamia a snake girl.
Respawn (preview)
orchid asked her pointedly. "i don't know, but i do know this, orchid." the sound of the sand hitting the ibis' glass head echoing around ghost sounded like a hail of bullets.
The Hand That Feeds You
"the evidence we've found definitely points to something," orchid asserted. "you can't deny that." "enough!
Orchid Chapter 1 - Arboreal Whispers
#1 of orchid volume 1 ever since the townspeople killed orchid's father for his love of the goddess of the mountain, his mother tells him tales of the dangers of the civilized. orchid fears them all his life, until he meets lazaro the dragon.
Conveyor Belt
"but orchid wants yours," the jackal observed. the roach grinned. "orchid doesn't want to owe sticks anything." fran would have to get to know a lot of people to make barter work. "they used to be partners."
Tears In Rain
orchid asked. "she's been working on some project with grades she doesn't want anyone to know about." when the bird was around to work, the trilobite treated kiwi like she was part of the furniture.
orchid asked. "doornail might know something," ghost answered. "you really think it's a fake?" orchid frowned. "i'm not sure, but it's worth a shot, isn't it?" ghost asked. "is she still on the ice planet?"
Water Flowing Underground
"we're not here because you did anything," orchid assured them. "what do you want from us?" the toucan demanded. "we're headed for an ice cave," ghost explained. "that means it's dark, so we'll need some light to see," orchid started.