Dance Ballerina Dance
To and adore so my dear, dance for forevermore
* * * when last we- danced we dance. as thousands fall around us, we dance. as darkness and hellfire rain down upon us, we dance. the drums, our hearts, our very souls make our beat. and the fallen our floor.
"dance with me!"
A dance.
She gave a warm smile and walked in front to face him and said "because no man dances alone when he is happy... now will we dance or will you mope some more about the past?"
"heed my lead as you dance with me. new steps and hurdles keep me company. but if you trip, i won't let you fall."
I snorted and kicked up my heels, the modest heel easy enough to dance upon and flow across the dance floor without hindrance. i had more important matters on my mind. "i do not need a male to dance, soldier." he raised an eyebrow.
Gotta Keep to the Beat (Poem)
I gotta keep to the beat i dance the good and the bad. it's the best you ever had i move like the nice and naughty. now you know this will end hotly. i came, i saw, i conquered the beat.
Celine - Dance Dance Devastation
Posted using postybirb **dance dance devastation** _by dragonien_ music boomed through the air. the ground vibrated with a heavy bass beat.
The wolf's story... Silver Bullet
Soon the crowd emerged into a colossal room with dancing lasers and trance loud pulsing beats of dance. varity of color lasers and lights to suit anyones mood to dance with the overwhelming music. then the music slowly died away and the lights turned on.
Welcoming myself
. ^^; tail swishing, eyes shining bright, dancing slowly, on this full moon's night. the wind pirks up ears, bird calls halt the dance, the sent of a new comer, all turn to the clearing's entrance.
A Dance To Remember
In all actuality, this was only a simple winter dance and if this were a movie, i'd look ten times better and far more expensive.
The Club
Also looking around the club was full of men, dancing with other men and women dancing with other women. yup, gay club lana grabbed jennies hand and led her though the club.