The Flame to my Soul

I decided to let Aruna lead today. Not because I needed a change, but because I wasn't feeling well. At least, that's what I told her. What really was bothering me was a vision I had this morning. I had woken up on the guild floor, between Aruna's...

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 4: Meanwhile, in other parts of the region...

_Under the volcanic mt. N_ _ _ "Sire. In three weeks, the town of Forest Hall will fall. We will be victorious." The blue-white Pokémon that spoke into the darkness stood on a pedestal of stone. Many similar spires surrounded it, most of them...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: On Melancholy Hill

It was a dark and stormy day at sea, the sun blotted by a group of sickly grey clouds that dyed the water below them. Amidst this sea of grey were two mon's desperately trying to swim against the tide, a Grovyle and Luxray. „Hold on to me!" Yelled the...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon The Harrowing Journey

Disclaimer I do not own the Pokémon used in this story they belong to the Nintendo Company. Also to clear things up Marrow is a Cubone and Electra is a Pikachu just so you know who they are. "Ha severs them right kekekekekekeh!" Gengar laughed as...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ventures of Beyond

Prologue A first time mother Leafeon was curled around her newborn son a tiny Eevee whom was wide awake and eagerly trying to escape his mother's protection to explore the den for the first time. "Now, now little one I will let you look around as soon...

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Winston and the fruit

Here's another Story for Those that are interested this comic takes place In the second arc of my comic be warned there is a Large presence of Flatulence and inflation if this is not what you like don't look any further with that Said Enjoy!

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 3: The Story of Forest Hall

As Team Storm left the carnival that is the Volcorona Guild Hall, the leader, Lucius the riolu, was almost sparking with energy. His aura, though none saw it, was turning a flashy red instead of the usual pale blue. Not that anyone wasn't exited,...

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 9-ish: Everything's Going To Change.

"Fern? Where are you?" Lucius called. No one had seen Fern or the "artifact," Chiss, in over six hours. She had ran off earlier that afternoon but wasn't seen since. And Fern was determined to keep it that way. She sent a psychic imprint to Lucius,...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Destiny's Way:chapter 2: Training and Jobs

"WAKE UP!!!" "Wha? Who?" Lucius's eyes still felt hevy. "Its time for training, sleepyhead!" "FERN! Leave me alone, come on!! Carrie 'an you please use Yawn? I want to be back asleep...\*snore\*" Fern whispers to Eve,"watch this." With a devilish...

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 6: The quest for song

"You are the one that was chose-en. You are the hero that I need. Bring her to me, bring her to me. You are my savior, riolu." The voice pestered him throughout the first two floors, to the point where Lucius had to sit out during battle because he...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Scarlet Explorer: The Town

Star was walking down the worn out road once again, faster than before, but having trouble considering there was a ten pound fox in his bag eating the rest of his berries. He was hoping she would fall asleep, give him time to think about what he was...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Scarlet Explorer: The Aftermath

Star hadn't moved from his spot on the ground for a few minutes now, the only movement he made was curling up in a ball and shaking heavily. Not that he was shaking from the cold or anything, it was early in the spring months, but shaking from the...

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