The Camp

He moved over to his camp bed and removed a large wooden case from under it, he flicked open each of the clasps holding it together and opened it.

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We had passed the last town until we meet the border We were both sharing the wheel I stared blankly out the window at everything out of order She had on the thing a grip of steel We passed someone with a map, a lovely old chap He gave us the...

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"that's why they call it camping, you goof." "yeah, i guess you're right. maybe we should set up the tent before it gets too dark." "you do that, and i'll grab some firewood." "okay.

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A weird way to get smores

Qyfafu looked around, trying to find the path back to the camp. taking a step back, he tripped and fell on something soft. "don't be bugs! don't be bugs! don't be bugs!"


Inevitability, part 1

Acting only on instinct and habit, he grabbed the backpack full of camping gear he kept by the front door, and fled. he ran out into the streets, and from there, into the woods not far from his home.


Dipping into

A moment passed before he spotted his bright red truck and his camp. he realized how far he wandered from shore. his tuck looked like a miniature toy car in the distance. he dived back down under the water and swam towards his camp.

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my reality story part 2

They set up camp in a clearing and saw a strange small mouse that was trying to take a piece of fruit from their bags.

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The Cat Gijinka and a Werehuman

Emeraldia the Cat in Gijinka Form walks out of a House she goes hiking at night until then she finds out... "A WEREHUMAN!!!!!" Emeraldia the Cat in gijinka form goes back Home and her 6 Gijinkas" All of our 7 Characters She Played Pokémon Shield...

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Clarity of Purpose (Welded Sunset)

~ well above the discrete happenings of the base camp below, the broad winged eagle mech carefully balanced atop a fresh thermal updraft while waiting for the final phase of calibrations to conclude.

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Saddle's Watch (Welded Sunset)

#229 of short stories a lynx sets up camp with a trusted pangolin mech. ~ the lynx gazed into the campfire, and the pair of pots settled in atop the rack over it.

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Camping Cuddles

We bumped down the dirt road in a comfortable silence, punctuated with the sounds of our camping gear clanking together in the back seat.

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Scout Camp

Some age regression and reality shifting with kit and my naomi, this time at camp!

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