Different Chapter 8

Different Chapter Eight: Getting to Know I opened my eyes. I heard movement near me, but it was still dark and I could not see anything. I saw a shadow, it would of had to been Alexis. Damn she gets up early I thought to myself. I rolled over...

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Different Chapter 7

Different Chapter Seven: The Mage The hooded person made some movements with their hands and a large wave of fire moved all of the guards in front of us out of the way. The person turned and gestured for us to run, all the while keeping their...

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Different Chapter 6

Different Chapter Six: The Fight Blake and I had been looking all over the town for Serra. It had been maybe thirty minuets. With no sign of her we stopped at an Inn to rest. Blake ordered a bottle of rum and drank it silently as we sat. I...

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Different Chapter 5

Different Chapter Five: Town I woke to the sound of someone yelling my name. I sat up quiet fast, not paying attention to what I was doing. My paw landed in the coals from the fire, as soon as it touched I jerked it out. I felt my paw burning, it...

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Different Chapter 4

Different Chapter Four: Bandits We had been walking for several hours, the sun was soon to set in less than an hour I guessed. We had stopped in a clearing a few minutes ago and were setting up camp. Of course, Serra and Blake had tents, I did...

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Different Chapter 3

Different Chapter Three: Setting out I woke to something warm hitting my nose. I opened my eyes slowly and saw the Serra's head laying in front of me, her tongue licking my nose. I reared up, hitting my head on the wall. She sat up laughing. I...

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Different Chapter 2

Different Chapter Two: Bound by an Oath Slowly conciseness came back to me. I opened my eyes, though everything was blurry I could tell I was in some kind of house. I tried to move, and found that my hands and legs were tied up to the chair I was...

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Different Chapter 1

Different Chapter One: The Assassin To be an assassin you must be fast. You must be silent. And most of all you must be deadly. I have all these qualities, plus one more important but not required skill, I feel no emotions. A curse laid on...

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The Mountain trip Day Three

After many amazing dreams that I remembered so vividly they seemed real, and I wished they were, I slowly opened my eyes. It was still dark outside, only about four thirty by my clock. I rolled onto my back slowly and silently, looking up at the...

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The Mountain trip Day Two

Day Two I slowly opened my eyes, I heard my name called again. "John, wakie wakie John," I head. I sat up quickly and looked around, the sun was shining in through the window next to my bed. Koda was standing in the doorway looking at me. He rolled...

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Promises Part 2

Pappu walked slowly back into his town, it had been nearly an hour, his tears dried and his sniffling stopped. One of his friends, Udar, spotted him and ran over. Udar, as with most of his spices, was larger than Pappu, had a deep grey colored fur...

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Flare: Rebellion

Flare Rebellion Flare lay curled up. In the center of her curl laid Ivan. His head slowly rocked with Flare's breathing. She looked around, making sure there was nothing imposing any danger. When she was cretin that there was no danger she...

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