Darkened Skies: Chapter 27: Deep Fae
The resplendent dragon was staring daggers at the cowering plant, almost igniting the very air with his fiery gaze. only the dull hum of the forest around them sounded as the plant considered it's choices. it was beat it knew that.
Attack at Night
He flexed his small clawed hand, and he scowled at the plant-eaters that were chatting in the field he had been in recently. "we will meet again, ducky. mark my words..."
Chapter one Part one
"these need to be planted now if they are to be harvestable on time."
Envoys and Diplomats
She motioned to the green plant hanging over it. "well this plant is still a baby so the other plants are trying to take care of it." kori pointed to the various bushed and small growing trees around the area.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 31 - Two Friends Part II /Revans Bad Day
"who cares if they smell strange blaze, plants are plants...don't tell me you want to eat this, whatever it is..." kyurex patiently waited for his friend to finish his inspection. blaze gave up. "no but..."
"Sink and Swim" (QS, Grim)
He had barely managed to extract a few inches of his body before he was once again let down by the surrounding plant life.
Lost Pokemon Episode: 14- One Night in Celadon
The large pokémon extends one of its large whip-like plant tips straight at dragonair.
The Master's Tools
They were in a large underground garden, hidden from prying eyes under the surface of the forest planet, lush with everything that could grow without sunlight, from mushrooms to snake plants to spider plants to bioluminescent moss.
The Lost Colony, Part 3
The canopy of the jungle had receded, covering the ground in crunchy leafy plant fibers. the wind would occasionally blow, it stung like icy daggers that cut through the parties armor and clothes.
Caldo Tomate and the Golden Bouillon - A Silverplate Story
The cheeseweed plants were nearly in bloom, it was cool without being freezing cold, humid without being damp.
The Great Prophet Of Zao chapter 1: eyes in the darkness
"because i don't want to work with plants. i don't want to spend the rest of my life cutting down trees or planting seeds". "sam you can't become a soldier! only dogs that are the children of dunamai can become soldiers.
Treter: Perplexival Reviving
The vpd will catch us nearby their station if we were to plant anything there. the best we can do is head a bit north from their location and start the planting there." "considering that we are not caught by any of them."