Chapter one Part one

Story by Dreamdancer on SoFurry

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#3 of Chronicles of Elysia

I couldn't think of how to continue if at this point so i will submit a part two to this later. It took quite a while for me to figure out how to transition from a flashback. Lotsa paperwads thrown in the trash after drafting this over and over. I may even change it later on..

3/3/2013- And I did. Read over it and made a few changes.. I think it flows a bit better now. Just a bit.

2/22/2015- So I finally made a few changes and seperated a few bits of chaff out of the wheat.. I believe I know how I can start the next part now..bear with me it will be out soon..

The earthen scent of fresh soil had permeated the air, the humidity within the greenhouse was suffused with the scent of the freshly baled silver leaf sage and the fragrant bags of lavender seed, only but a few of the fragrances. He was humming to himself, no tune in particular though he took to tapping his foot rhythmically against the wood floor beneath the workbench to pass the time. Enid, had been assisting his mother with the winter harvest and replanting for harvest in the spring. Damp and riddled with soil that clung to the fur on his hands as he had replanted each of the bulbs in their respective clay pot. His mother had taught him as he grew, and he came to appreciate the reward of nurturing the earth. Meanwhile his mother to her own replanting of her herbal inventory.

After having helped her prepare the last bit of the harvest, right down to the final bag of lavender seeds tied and stored respectively. while the shelves and shelves of pots and small evergreens, like rosemary, were trimmed back. Vines were harvested and pruned, barren soil was replaced with fresh earth, ready for new life. Only fifteen years of age, he would have been the masculine image of his mother; had he not taken so much after his estranged surrocate of a father, Wiley. Sandy brown fur patterened with black stripes that ran horizontally across his back and accented the back of his upper arms. Crescent shaped ears flicked lightly, and his ever attentive eyes, ruby.

Every other attribute he took after his pokemorph matriarch. From his long and slender forked-tipped tail, to the gem that rest on his brow. Unique from his mothers in color it was pearlescent white, and it bore a the shape of a crescent moon resting upright. This was completed with a short coppery crop of locks that tussled over his eyes as he worked. And it soon came to pass that he was out of bulbs to plant and pots to put them in. And he scooted his stool back with a noisy squeak against the aged, rustic wood floor and rose to dust his hands off on his apron, coming out from that section of the greenhouse to the more centralized area where his mother sat. Looking in on her, mainly to see if there was anything else he could assist with. "All finished on my end, mother" He would announce, breaking the silence, to what he saw only made him smile, his mother he found was sound asleep.

He drew close to her left side and placed his right hand on her shoulder. "Mother?" He repeated. She hadn't even grown to two thirds of completing her own task she had set out to undertake, upon her own workbench, a pocket of freshly dried lavender seeds she had in her hand for planting, the first two rows of the starter trays were completed. the others were empty. With a light pat it was enough to rouse her. She looked as if she had been crying...Silent tears streaked down her face and matted her cheekfur, small droplets dotted the bottom of her apron spread over her lap.

He was foreign to this as he had never seen her mother upset. Not even when father had decided to up and leave out of the blue. She shook her head, Removing her canvas gloves to wipe her eyes and her arm fur.. as she briefly looked up to the frosted tempered glass of the roof, winter was swirling it's white flurries outside she swallowed back and she started her work once more, under the eye of her son. "These need to be planted now if they are to be harvestable on time." She had avoided the subject, under the eye of a rather concerned young man, he didn't argue, but gently stopped her hand by the wrist and took the seeds from her palm with the other one.

"Mother, i'll finish. You're obviously tired, so go and relax.." Dream of all people was not one to argue with family as proud as she was to argue with everyone else..She simply removed her apron and reached for her winter cloak in a silent agreement, she obviously didn't feel well after such a vision although, she kept it to herself. She only exited the barren greenhouse followed the path a ways down, and entered their modest abode.