Draco - chapter 2

Derrière eux une avalanche, grande vague gelée de neige et de glace, dévalait la montagne.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 24

He remembered the humans... and their plight, their mission, his companions, and the avalanche... the avalanche? "the avalanche!" spyro yelled as his mind suddenly focused and remembered the events.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Five: Worshipping Death

More time passed and when they reached the far side of half-mile swath of avalanche remnants, ered could hear the winds had lessened. his deer-like ears swivelled to the heights above them.

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demigods and mortals of Asfeiren: Chapter 1

The avalanche made it to his father, and it all slowed down. "jack where are-", then he was covered. there was no trace of his father in the snow. and the avalanche continued.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 23

Incendio, being in the direct path of the avalanche, managed to jump out of the way before the rocks and snow slammed where he was moments before.

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Avataress Trilogy: Origins and Secrets - #3 The Ways of the Mortals

The noise starts off an avalanche that grew huge and was heading for them and resort. june wants to save them all i can do is learn.

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Pandemic-Day 46 2:03 AM-1/7/2023-Chapter 16-Help

One thing the avalanche had going for it was the fact that you could transverse a cummin's engine in it because it was so wide. the chevy sport rally avalanche with that power plant was set for release this year."

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Kingdom Hearts: plan B ... AWESOME !

Jake: oh my god , avalanche ! sora: captain? tsume: what the ...what are you doing here ? ping saw the captain coming and ran to him as everyone else was running as well ping: look out !

Chapter 6: Finding Peace with the past

They remember the avalanche, but they still had each other, and so weren't tortured by it like vedrit was, and only knew a portion of his hurt. regardless, they were enjoying each other on this mission.

Fallout - Prologue

She couldn't think of why anyone would be skiing over there or where an avalanche would have started from.

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Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful...

He yelled, the cold creeping around him, before the avalanche began to spill down a crevice. reishi couldn't be heard, trapped under the tumbling snow as she was before it went and fell into said crevice.

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Keep Moving Forward

He feared his shouting might accidentally provoke an avalanche, but he had to make sure. he was hoping his little shout would at least alarm the friend.

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