There were no nudity taboos in the system, she'd learned at the hot springs. in every way, jackie and every other citizen that fran had talked to until then had reacted to her as though sex didn't exist and they had no idea what it was.
Activism, Adventure, Alien, Alternate Society, Anarchism, Anarcho-socialism, Anarchosocialism, Android, Aromantic, Asexual, Atheism, Atheist, Barter, Beaker, Bird, Bird of Paradise, Bisexual, Blue Jay, Bug, Character Development, Cockroach, Communicator, Communism, Coyote, Crime, Crinoid, Cuckoo, Cyborg, Dance, Dancing, Death, Dinosaur, Dodo, Dopamine, Dream, Drink, Drinking, Drugs, Endorphins, Ermine, Female, Fish, Food, Fountains, Freezing, Friendship, Games, Gay, Ghost, Glowworm, Hedgehog, Heterosexual, Homosexual, Hybrid, Ice, Immortality, Insect, Investigation, Jackal, Lamprey, M/M, M/M/F, Machine, Male/Female, Male/Male, Male/male/female, Mammal, Mantis, Mollusk, MtF, Multi-fur, Multi-furry, Multifurry, Noir, Novel, Otter, Parrot, Partners, Pet, Plant, Plot Development, Pools, Porcupine, Postfurry, Programming, Questioning, Rainbowfish, Reptile, Roach, Robot, Saltwater, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-fiction, Sea slug, Sex, Silkworm, Slug, Smuggler, Smuggling, Socialism, Space, Space pirates, Springboard, Story Arc, Swimming, Threesome, Trade, Transgender, Transhumanism, Transwoman, Trilobite, Video Games, Walkingstick, Waterslides, Whodunit, Working, Zebrafish, ace, anarchy, ant, antlion, ants, aro, bar, bioluminescence, bodyguard, chores, coding, diving, eating, engineer, exception, flamingo, friend, gaming, hadrosaur, hummingbird, invertebrate, levitation, multifur, nightmare, orchid, partner, pets, phone, pirates, planet, plankton, polyamory, puffin, roommate, siren, tech, technology, tendrils, termite, toucan, trading, trans, trust, water, waves, work, writing