Sunrise - Part 2

As chip continued to stroll through the sunny forest, there was only one thing on his mind. who was that girl that he saw at the lake? was it someone he knew? why did she suddenly disappear? was it all in his head?

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Sunrise - Part 1

To chip's surprise, there was someone sitting on the fallen tree, looking over at the lake. weird. usually there's nobody out here this early in the morning.

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Chapter Two

"chip!" "yes-chip!" fat cat continued. "promise not to hurt chip and i'll tell you all you want to know." "alright fine, we promise," amber said, after a pause. "you can go, now little chip."

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Chapter four

chip and monterrey jumped in her way. "well, how is he," chip blurted out. "well," gadget answered. "she's doing doing better, chip. but, she's still very fragile. i'm sorry chip.

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Chapter three

chip was the one who went to get dale free." "i tried, gadget," chip pleaded as he lowered his head, with his hands clasped over it. "i really did!

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Chapter Six

"but what about the things you and chip went to get?" "oh, right!" gadget exclaimed, as she turned towards chip. "i can take that, chip. foxglove, will you give me paw? well, more like a wing, since you don't have paws."

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Chapter Five

She just pouted, as she pushed her way past him, leaving a confused chip. what was that about, chip asked himself rushing into the bathroom. well, at least it's not my fault, chip told himself. she knows i have to go after i wake up.

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2022's Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Fanon of Storage stored by Toon Part Collectors.

Last year after i watched 2022's chip and dale rescue rangers, i made a fanon of isabelle's bell ponytail holder and tail sailor moon's hair and wand pawmi's ears, arms, and tail gatomon's paws dusty crophopper's propeller sylveon's ribbons k.k.

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Chocolate Chip Cookies

Turning a bit and leaning back, she grabbed a still warm chocolate chip cookie from the cooling rack and offered it to him, the sweet morsel pressing at his maw. without hesitation, he snatched it between his teeth and bit into it.

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Panther unit looked at the family and a process ran through its head for just a moment before the mind wiping chip kicked in and any thoughts that could've arisen were crushed and its obedience subroutine kicked in, "welcome to the fishing booth, would you

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League of the Rangers: the first steps

"eh, easy, chip..." said his friend, but chip kicked him painfully on nape, that dale hardly turned own face from pottage. "chip!" screamed gadget. dale resentfully viewed on rr leader, rubbing bruised on the table forehead. what he did badly for chip?

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Forever Blue: Part I

chip was just mesmerized by them. he shook his head, "so what would u like to do? i don't know much of what there is to do around here," chip asked trailing off and looking around nervously.

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