Poke U: First Meeting
First, talk about your experience so far here at poke u." rex looked up at the ceiling as he shifted in the couch, relaxing as best as he could. "well, so far i love everything poke u has to offered.
A Poké Winter.
Doug lounged around his with friends who were joking around, "Hey guys did you hear about that one Pokémon costume store?" Their friend Gale asked, she seemed really excited. Their other friend Seymour raised his eyebrow, "Yeah I know it, what about...
Colress's Whereabouts
Two horns poked out of his head, made of the same metal as that steel cast that had encased his back and head. finally, aj's face covered entirely in this steel cast.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 3 - Evolution
Here is the third part. Sorry if it has mistakes, I was kind of rushing. Why? Yeah I know rushing isn't good but...I've planned this story so much ahead itis kind of happening on its own. Enjoy the...
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 4 - Meet my new friends, friends!!
Kyurex looked at the dark, light blueish sky. He tried to surpress his sorrow, but it didn't work well. „I'm just...going to chill....here..." he closed his eyes. He would regain his strength, and plan his next intentions when he...
(Reboot) Poke U: Move In Day
My name is rex owens and i am attending the prestigious university called pokémon university, or poke u for short.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 9 - Two Friends
Okay, this is my last "short" part of this series (that means the next ones will be looong). And its also the shortest. Well the reason is because the plot is progressing quickly in my brain so I've got to write everything won well its all...
Silver Stream Memory 26
Wri poked. "yes, i hope that i keep on the straight and narrow with this. things are not going right as i want," i told them.
Poke U: A Lesson Learned
#5 of poke u in this entry, rex and nocturne head off to archery class with instructor snipes. then, rex meets up with heart for day 1 of chemistry class with professor sol. however, something is going on at poke u.
Poke U: Meet & Greet
I guess poke u does accept a diverse group of us._ rex found an empty stall and started grooming himself, enjoying the warmth the shower had to offer.
The Trump Haters Poem
Donald Trump Takes a dump He's a grump And a chump Needs a thump and a bump We wont jump for Donald Trump
Going Home - (Zorua TF)
**Going Home** Zorua "TF," by Mewscaper Developed via role-play, with Ashachulover The young man sighed in idle boredom as he looked around the dark and seemingly empty forest. It was getting quite late now, and the sun had already set well beneath...