sofurry so far
Dear notebook, i have had so much fun here within the time i have been here and i hope to meet more nice and new people. it's great here for my first time on a furry site a friend of mine in real life is on here as well so thats great as well.
Silver Stream Memory 26
"i have the notebook ready for the almanac idea you were wanting to try?" wri told me. "back at the apartment?" i asked. "yep," conclaive responded and i glanced at him.
DeAtH NoTe: WhAt PoWeR DoEs
One guy, pax, a husky, reach out a paw and obtained the notebook, opening it. his friend, jacob, a small cheetah, watched closely as his friend maneuvered through the notebook. pax flipped the pages and examined the writing material.
Reminiscence ~ A Good Person
He quickly jotted something in his notebook as his eyes steered away from my direction. that notebook seems awfully important to him.. maybe it was a diary? that's unexpected.
Tell Me (Why)
Hey guys ^3^ another song that i wrote straight from my notebook. this was written back in early september and i thought i would share it. at the time this was wrote, some things were going down the tube but i've been over it for a while now.
Furries University Chapter 9: a slight problem
Ryan's black notebook lay on the desk, closed but forgotten. jerry walked into the class room and sat down near the black notebook, taking it into his paws and flipping through it.
Facility- Chapter 1
In a panic i dash forward and snatch the notebook from the creature's outstretched arms.
Lily's Start
I nodded, showing her the notebook. "yep. got it right here" i said. my mom looked over the notebook. "that's... an interesting notebook" she said. "any particular reason why you picked it?"
The Interviews - Alaski Illion
He takes out a pen and his notepad and flips through three-fourths of the handheld notepad. "your full name and occupation." "alaski illion, i guess i'm a secretary for noire corp." "you guess?"
The Simulation
Grabbing the pen and notebook, not only does the webbing stretch and bend with the objects, but i can feel the notebook and pens in my hands and pressing against the webbing of my fingers.
PoolSide - FurStory
This figure is now turned in the opposite direction leaving coulah slightly disappointed, but he continues to work on his notebook. the afternoon dragged on, leaving coulah without disturbance as he continues to doodle in his notebook.
Perceptional - Pt 5: Over the reaction
Mark looked up from the notebook. lucas still looked a bit shaken. "sixteen." he looked back down at his notebook and continued writing.