(Reboot) Poke U: Move In Day

Story by meheggs on SoFurry

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#3 of Poke U

Hello Everyone. It has been 7+ years since this was last touched. In that time, I finished my bachelor and my doctorate degree. Now that I am practicing as a Pharmacist, I found myself interested a little in writing again, so here it is. Unlike TSWC, this is going to be more short story oriented, and this will be a mixture of my own personal things I went through but mainly all of it is fiction. I am very excited to touch this again, and this will be completely original, with nothing to do with the old plot. Still, the original idea is from bighope when I commissioned him back then. Moving on, this will be more SFW oriented, but I will throw in some NSFW chapters, just to fulfill some needs of me XD.

Poke U is a college campus that I created back then and am happy to restart again. Most of the entries will be from Rex's point of view, but I may consider addressing other character's point of view at times. I hope everyone will enjoy these stories and always, I appreciate any constructive criticism. Thank you again and enjoy <3

Note: I will denote which entries are NSFW, so if you don't want to read it, avoid those ones.

Poke U: Move in Day

"Whoa, so this is what the university campus is like! It is a lot bigger than I thought!"

A dinosaur like Pokémon stepped out of his car as he admired the tall buildings all around him. They had to be at least one hundred feet tall, with windows decorating along the sides. The dinosaur's eyes were wide open as he was just enamored with the beauty of the trees around him as well as the serenity he felt standing there in the open. He inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh scent that nature had to offer him before exhaling, a smile formed across his face. He popped open his trunk, dragged his suitcase out of his car, and locked the doors before heading towards the buildings.

The dinosaur looked at the paper he brought with him. "So...which one of these is named Rong...oh there it is." He gazed up at the building and saw the name at the archway in front of the sliding electric doors. "I guess I should go and check in. Man, I am very excited about starting the next stage of my life here."

Hello there. My name is Rex Owens and I am attending the prestigious university called Pokémon University, or Poke U for short. I'm about five feet and ten inches tall and I am not one of your typical Pokémon, since I do not have a number assigned to me like the other species. My family is very rare and our fossils are few, however, that makes me feel very unique. Honestly, I am not sure what I hope to get out of this place, but I heard about how the college life is a step into adulthood. I hope I can make a lot of friends while I am here, and also learn a lot more about myself. Hopefully, things will work out and this will be an exciting time in my life.

As Rex stepped into the building, he looked to his left and saw a wide open space filled with tables and chairs. "Hmm, I guess students can study down here if they want to avoid the library or even the confines of their own room." He then looked to his right and saw a billiards table, a ping-pong table, and a huge TV with all the latest consoles. "I guess the university wants the students to have a fun time here as well. They were not kidding in the brochure about how they take care of us." Rex continued to look all around him until he heard a voice call out to him.

"Ahh, I take it you must be Rex?"

Rex turned his head and saw a Zoroark approached him, waving his paw at him. The Zoroark wore a grey sweatshirt with the name of the university of it, along with a symbol right below, a yin-yang pattern of a Latios and Latias with the words Rong in the middle of them. He also wore grey sweatpants that looked to be a little bit too tight for him, since the contours of his legs can be seen along the length. The Zoroark crossed his arms and smiled at Rex. "Oh yes, my name is Rex Owens. Pleasure to meet you...?" Rex placed his arm out, anticipating a handshake.

The Zoroark reached out and shook Rex's hand. "My name is Nocturne, and I am your resident advisor here at Poke U. I see that this is your first time seeing our campus. I can tell, since your eyes were wide open the moment you stepped inside."

"Oh yes, sorry about that." Rex scratched the back of his head. "I was unable to attend the open house a few months ago due to some family situations, but I am very excited to be here now."

Nocturne chuckled. "Heh, I can sense it in you. Anyway, welcome to Poke U and in particular, building Rong. Don't ask me where the name came from, but from what I heard, it means dragon in another foreign language."

Rex nodded his head, his eyes still wandering around the building, staring down the hallways and seeing other Pokémon moving around the floors. "Oh...I see, Nocturne..."

Nocturne waved his hand back and forward, trying to draw Rex's attention back to him. Rex blinked a few times before focusing back on Nocturne, bowing his head in apology. "No need to apologize there Rex. I understand that when people see new stuff, they are just fixated on it. Go ahead and soak in everything around you. I'm here to just give you a basic tour of the place and introduce you to your roommate. And also, to answer any questions you may have."

"Oh, ok, thanks Nocturne. And you said...a roommate?"

"That is correct. Here at Poke U, we believe it is important for the first two years that every Pokémon here have a roommate. We encourage teamwork and working together, and what better way to start then with your roommate. Remember that questionnaire you answered online?"

"Yea...I sort of vaguely remember that. There were a bunch of questions that honestly made no sense to me. I understand about asking for our hobbies and what we like to do on our free time, but then there were these random questions about what is your favorite typing, or whose your favorite gym leader or regional champion."

"Well, we used an algorithm to determine the best roommates that you should get along with. 99% of the time, it works out and the roommates continue to live together after they have to leave the dorm life and start to live in apartments around the campus."

Rex tilted his head slightly. "And what about the 1%?"

"Well, we cannot say it is foolproof, since there were incidents where the roommates had to be separated due to irreconcilable differences. I won't say any names, but there was a Kyogre and a Groudon that were paired together, and it did not end up so well." Nocturne shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "Clean up was a mess. But anyway, we are not here to talk about that, let me show you a rather abrupt tour of the place. I am sure you and your roommate will get a more proper tour with each other later. So please, if you don't mind following me really quick." Nocturne swiftly walked passed Rex, beckoning him to follow him to the front of the building.

Rex tailed Nocturne and they both stood outside the dorm, staring back into the rest of the campus grounds.

"I am very sorry for not giving you the most proper of tours Rex. Usually this is done during the open house, and not the day before classes start."

Rex bowed his head in apology. "No, that's my fault for that. I understand that the open house was the best time to get a better view of the campus, but I appreciate you taking time to explain to me about Poke U."

Nocturne smiled, patting Rex gently on the shoulder. "You are most welcomed Rex. So, as you look to your right here, at this building..." Nocturne pointed at a rather flat looking building, with multiple sliding glass doors. At the entrance above, the words "Phòng an" was seen. "Don't ask me about this one either, I was told it translate to Dining Hall. This is where you will be eating breakfast, lunch and dinner while here. You have your ID card right?"

Rex reached into his bag and fumbled with his wallet. Eventually, he plucked out a plastic card with a rather cute picture of himself smiling at the camera. "You mean this right? Our Poke U campus card?"

"That is right. You will need that to eat at the Dining Halls. There are multiple of them at this campus, but I will say, this is the best one here. Not trying to be bias or anything but the food here is top notched and is cooked by a world renowned chef. I heard he even owns a few Michelin star restaurants."

"Whoa, for someone of his caliber, why would he be here feeding us though. I would think he would make more money not cooking for a college."

"Everyone asks that. And he told us that this is his alma mater. He actually lived in the same dorm as all of us. He wanted to give back to the school that started his career. His name is Vern, and he's a Noivern. You may or may not see him."

"Oh, I love cooking and baking on the side, so hopefully I can run some ideas with him and maybe he can give me pointers."

"Trust me, you are not the first to think that. He has a rather busy schedule, but he is also very kind. Maybe you might get lucky and see him in action."

Rex gleefully smiled. "Awesome, so what else is there then Nocturne?"

Nocturne brought out a map of the university and pointed at a squarish like area. "So this, which is like a half-mile walk from here, is what we call the Quad. It's just an open field area where people lay on the grass and look up at the sky above as well as another place to get food. It is not like the dining commons, so you will find both a mixture of fast food and other quick meals from the university. And these places are all ran by students, so if you need some extra cash on the side, you can consider working here."

Rex nodded his head in understanding. "I see, Nocturne. That is good to know. I don't think I want to work yet in my first year, sort of want to just focus on my studies if I can."

"Understandable. And also, you may see some students hand out flyers during the first few weeks of classes. They usually advertise clubs and other organizations we have on campus. We are known to be very diverse, so you may find something you like here."

Rex brought out his own map and circled the area with a pen, noting the information Nocturne just told him. "Got it, so I will hang around here in my free time once classes begin. Maybe I might find a club I could be interested in."

Nocturne crossed his arms, tapping his claws. "What sort of clubs are you interested in? Or rather, any fields of interest academically?"

Rex looked down at his feet, pondering on what to say. "Umm...I have not really decided yet. I know I want to focus on something in the medical field, but other than that, I have not decided on any clubs or stuff. I just thought about coming here and keeping my options open so that I might find something of interest."

"Heh, well, it's good to keep your options open. Maybe when you meet your roommate, you two might find similar interests and stuff. For me, I'm into e-sports and swimming. And you might catch me at a few football games as well. Our team here is nationally known, and most of the players here do play professionally."

Rex slowly nodded his head, sort of half-interested in hearing what Nocturne told him. "That sounds cool. I do like to play video games, but not in a scene like that. I get a little bit anxious if I play competitively. And, I can't swim either, never learned how to. As for football, it looks like a bit of an aggressive sport for me, but if you say we are that good, then I can at least go to one game and feel what it is like."

Nocturne smirked. "Heh, that's the spirit Rex. Anyway, let's head back inside and I can show you to your room. I am sure your roommate is dying to meet a fellow dinosaur like yourself. So come." Nocturne grabbed onto Rex's arm and quickly led him back into the building.

Rex was led by Nocturne as they took the stairs instead of the elevator to the 7thfloor. Why they walked, who the heck knows, but Rex did not mind the extra cardio. But carrying a suitcase up the stairs is not fun. After countless minutes dragging his feet climbing the stairs, they arrived at their floor of destination. Nocturne pointed to where all the bathrooms were and noted this floor is not co-ed, so everyone on this floor were male. They walked to the end of the hall, where the last two rooms were facing each other.

"So, my room is here on the right." Nocturne pointed to the door, and a whiteboard was seen on the front. On the board was written, Cáo Dêm. Rex looked over at Nocturne. "I don't make up these words, but I was told this loosely means Night Fox, cause you know, we Zoroarks are like foxes that love the night. Anyway, your room is right across from me conveniently enough." Nocturne pointed at the door across from his, with a similar white board hanging in the front. This time, the word that was written was, Khong long. Rex once again looked at Nocturne. "It means Dinosaur, cause you know, you and your roommate are both dinosaurs. Anyway, go ahead and introduce yourself to him. I'm going to head back into my place and rest for a bit. If you need anything, feel free to knock on my door. Until then, ciao." Nocturne opened his door, walked into his room and closed the door behind him, leaving Rex and his suitcase standing in front of his own door.

Rex nervously looked at the white board. Dinosaur... I wonder what dinosaur Pokémon this could be. There aren't many, but just because it says dinosaur, it could possibly be any fossil like Pokémon. Oh, it could be someone of my species as well. I'd be curious to see someone else from my species line. Rex leaned forward, clenching his fist and was about to knock on the door until it opened on its own. He almost stumbled forward but was shocked to see the sight in front of him. A huge, maroon and gold scaled dinosaur with a grey undertone stood firmly at the entrance, smiling down at him. Rex stared wide-eye at the huge Pokémon that stood at the doorway. He wore a simple t-shirt, with the name of the university's football team written on it. He also had on shorts too, but they looked to be more like gym shorts then casual walking shorts. But what caught Rex's attention was the amount of muscle this dinosaur had. His arms looked ripped, and his chest looked toned through the shirt. The thighs and legs also had a bit of meat. And lastly, Rex stared at his feet, three sharp obsidian claws on each foot. Rex was unsure of how he got paired with someone of this stature. Now, Rex is not the most muscular type, nor is he someone who lazes around and does nothing. He considers himself a bit lean, but he does admit he should have spent more time at the gym. Rex started shaking where he stood, causing the dinosaur to smile and give off a light chuckle.

"Oh, so you must be my new roommate. Please come on in. I promise, I don't bite," the dinosaur said with a toothy grin before he walked back into the room."

Rex gulped nervously, tremoring as he slowly walked into the room, with the door closing behind him.

Thoughts started to run across Rex's mind. Crap, what did I get myself into. Maybe I am the 1%. I don't think this is going to work out. We have no similarities at all, besides I guess being dinosaurs. How is there anything else similar? That questionnaire is a load of crap. So much for that algorithm. Rex continued walking but he accidentally bumped into the dinosaur and fell onto the ground. Rex shook his head as he tried to get up from the floor and when he looked at the dinosaur, he saw an evil stare with a sinister smile forming across his face. Rex closed his eyes and used his hands to cover them. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Please, don't hurt me!" Rex just accepted his demise, knowing that inhouse fighting is a possibility, but moments passed and nothing happened. All he heard was a soft chuckle again, the same one he heard before. Rex opened his eyes and saw the dinosaur kneel slightly, sticking his hand out, smiling down benevolently. Shocked, Rex slowly reached his hand out, but the dinosaur quickly grabbed it and hoisted Rex back onto his feet.

"Umm...thank you."

"No problem there buddy."

Rex was surprised to hear the voice coming from the dinosaur. He expected a brute voice, someone with violence behind it, but instead, the voice sounded sincere and serene. Rex was unsure of what to think, as his eyes stared blankly in front of him.

"Well, welcome to our room then. My name is Heart, and it's cool to see a fellow dinosaur Pokémon. Though, you don't look like a Tyrantrum, not even a shiny one."

Rex snapped back into reality. "Oh, sorry. Yes, nice to meet you Heart, my name is Rex, and it is also my pleasure to meet you too. My species is rare and not actually categorized in the list, but that does not mean we don't exist."

Heart smiled, patting Rex on his shoulder. "Heh, I guess Nocturne was right about the algorithm, it could pair Pokémon of similarities together. Here, why don't you quickly unpack and settle in. I am sure we are going to have to do our ice breaker and get to know each other, that mumbo jumbo stuff." Heart walked over to one of the bunks and sat down at his desk.

Rex nodded his head and grabbed the handle of his suitcase as he walked towards the opposite bunk.

The room was a bit small, but still comfortable for the two of them. The entrance to their room had sliding closets where they would store their clothes. But the rest of the room was their beds and desks. It was like whoever designed this layout loved symmetry because the beds were designed with the sleep arrangement on top with the desk right below it. One side already had a dinosaur sitting idly in his chair as he stared at his new roommate, while the other looked to be untouched. Rex quickly dropped his suitcase at the desk before climbing up to his bed to inspect it closely. Nothing was out of the ordinary, since the university only provided a mattress and comforter, with the sheets and pillows something that Rex knew to bring. Rex climbed back down before sitting back at his chair, looking back at Heart who sat with one leg on the other, flexing his sharp claws in the air.

"So, I'll go first. You know my name is Heart and I am a Tyrantrum. My parents named me that because they knew for being a big guy, I have a big heart. I may look intimidating, but honestly, I am a down to earth guy."

Rex exhaled deeply and smiled. "Nice to meet you Heart. Once again my name is Rex, and I don't know what is special about my name. I'm a bit shy, but I know we can be good friends."

Heart smiled back, nodding his head. "I am sure we will be awesome friends Rex. Anyway, I plan to major in sports medicine and I aspire to join the Pokémon Football League, hopefully playing for my hometown team, the Kalos Volcanions. I was recruited out of high school on a football scholarship and I play running back for us Sentinels."

"Oh, so that explains why..."

"Yes, my body looks like a truck because being a running back requires strong legs and upper body strength so I can bulldoze my way through my opponents. But, don't let these muscles scare you Rex; it was like I said earlier, I am actually a very nice guy. And what about you?"

"Well, I don't know what I want to do honestly. I am not really into playing sports, but I do like watching them. Baseball is more of my thing, but football is nice to watch too, I guess. And as for my career, I just know the medical field is something I want. Helping people is my goal, and being some sort of doctor is a bit of an idea that floated across my mind."

"Oh a doctor? Don't doubt yourself then Rex. Just go for it. At least, that was what my parents told me. As long as you have a goal in mind, keep striving for it. Your support will be there for you, every step of the way." Heart gave a thumbs up gesture at Rex.

"Thanks Heart. I appreciate those words...Oh, that's right. We start classes tomorrow. What classes do you have and who are your professors? I wonder if we have any classes together."

"Oh yea, let me get check my phone. I wrote my schedule into it."

Both Heart and Rex rummaged through their personal belongings to get their class schedules. After some time, the two were able to fully lay out their courses.

Heart scanned both his phone and Rex's. "Oh, that is cool, we have at least two classes together. I was afraid we would have none, since I have football practice. But we got to share Chemistry with Professor Sol and Biology with Professor Kain. But other than that, no similar classes. Wait a sec...you actually got into that class?"

A bit surprised, Rex looked back at his schedule, unsure of what Heart pointed out. "Which class are you referring to?"

"This one." Heart pointed at the class in the morning labeled, Archery. "Everyone wanted to get into this class, heck even I did. But it interferes with football practice, so I have to wait until next semester to press my luck. Dude, you are so lucky to get archery. I heard Instructor SnipeS is a Pokelympic Gold Medalist, and it's like his bow and arrow are an extension of his own arms. Congrats Rex."

Rex blushed, unsure of how to react. "Thanks, I guess? I was registering for classes and I was looking at some sort of physical education class that would entice me. I saw a slot open and got in. I guess I was there at the right place and right time, heh."

"You bet, but anyway, how about..."

The two continued to talk, exchanging more pleasantries as they learned more about one another. The sun started to quickly set, as they both looked outside and saw the colors start to become more orange and darker.

"Whoa, we have been talking for quite some time, eh Rex. I bet you are hungry?"

Rex looked down at his stomach and gently rubbed it, a rumbling sound softly hummed. "You could say that, I have not eaten anything at all since lunch. And all I had was a tuna sandwich. I don't even like fish, and for a Carnotaurus like me, that is rather shameful."

Heart rose from his seat and stretched his body, yawning loudly into the sky. "Nothing to be ashamed about. If you don't like something, then don't eat it. No one at this age in your life should force you to eat things you don't want. I mean, as a kid, yea your parents can do that, but we are all adults here."

Rex rose from his seat, stretching his body too. "True, I never thought it like that. Thanks Heart."

"My pleasure, but anyway, I cannot wait to eat in the dining hall again. Chef Vern has an amazing staff working for him and his food is like first-class. I've been here for a few days, and I enjoyed everything he had to offer. So, you ready to go then Rex?"

Rex nodded his head, making sure he had his ID card with him. "Of course Heart, go ahead and lead the way."

Heart and Rex started walking towards their door. As Heart opened it, they both were surprised to see Nocturne leaving his room as well.

"Oh hey there Nocturne, you heading down to the dining hall?"

Nocturne looked over at Heart and Rex, nodding his head. "Yea, I managed to finish my prep for classes tomorrow. It seems like both you and Rex there have gotten to know each other pretty well, I assume?"

"That's right, he's a really cool guy. We have some classes together and can you believe it? He actually gotten into Instructor SnipeS archery class!"

Nocturne stumbled, having to brace himself on the door. "What!?! Are you kidding me? Please tell me you are joking. Even as an RA with priority, I could not get into that class and had to waitlist for it. I am number one on it, but still, how the heck? Rex!!!"

Rex quickly peered from Heart's side. "Oh hey there Nocturne."

Nocturne immediately brushed past Heart and grabbed onto Rex's shoulders. "Dude, how did you get into that class? That course was instantly filled when I attempted to register for it. I put myself in line as a waitlist and the system told me I was number one. It doesn't make any sense though, usually waitlist people get enrolled in if people drop."

"I don't know what to tell you Nocturne. I just got lucky and managed to enroll when a spot opened up."

Nocturne let go of Rex and started pacing around the hallway in anger. "Ugh! Well, I can't be mad at you Rex. It's not your fault the system did what it did. But, I hope to get into that class too. It would be awesome to share a class with you. I guess I just have to show up on day one and pray another Pokémon did not show up."

"Heh, you sure are a lucky Pokémon, aren't you Rex?"

Rex kicked his claws at the ground. "I wouldn't say I was lucky. I just think things happen for a reason."

Nocturne threw his hands into the air. "Yea, whatever you say, haha. Anyway, I know we are all hungry, so let's take the elevator this time and head to the dining hall. I'm sorry about that earlier Rex, but the elevators were full of students and I did not know how long it would be until we would be able to take it. And besides, you enjoyed that cardio right?"

"Well, it worked an appetite for me, so yea, I guess you can say that."

"Alright, so let's all head down there, I am sure we will have lots more to talk about."

"Of course Nocturne, go ahead and lead the way." Heart nodded his head and started to walk down the hall with him.

Rex started to follow too, patting himself down. He stopped momentarily, reaching into his pants and noticed he forgot his phone back in his room. "Hey guys!"

Nocturne and Heart looked back at him and both said, "What's up Rex?"

"You guys go first, I'll meet you downstairs. I forgot my phone back in the room. It'll only be a minute for me to grab it."

Heart chuckled while Nocturne shook his head. "Oh come on Rex, whatever. I guess your luck has to run out eventually. We'll try and hold the elevator for as long as we can, just hurry up and get your phone."

"Why are you so mean to him Nocturne, there's no need for that."

Nocturne gently punched Heart on his shoulder. "I'm not being mean. I'm just frustrated with his luck. Whatever, let's just keep walking towards the elevator. Hurry up Rex!" Nocturne started stomping his way to the other end of the hall.

Heart chuckled and waved at Rex and said, "Don't mind him. He gets hot tempered pretty easily. Anyway Rex, go get your phone and meet us at the elevator. I'll try and stall him as much as I can." Heart turned and started following Nocturne, following his footsteps.

Rex stared at Heart's and Nocturne's feet for a moment before shaking his head and snapping back to his senses. He quickly ran back into the room and found his phone laid on his desk, being used earlier by the two of them to look at their schedules. As he picked it up, he looked out the window and saw the beautiful setting sky in the horizon. Rex decided to take a selfie, smiling at the camera as he was excited to start his new life at Poke U. Once he finished, he quickly exited the room and ran down the hall, meeting up with Heart and Nocturne. Along the way, he thought I guess I am lucky to have an awesome roommate that's kind like Heart and a humorous resident advisor in Nocturne. I am sure I will have a good time hanging around with them...but...why am I constantly staring at their limbs...especially their feet...what the heck is going on?!?