Poke U: First Meeting
**Poke U: First Meeting** Rex looked up at the ceiling, his phone in his peripheral view as the time read 9:00 AM. _I honestly should get up. I know I have the morning off until Psychology class later, but I don't want to stay in bed forever....
Poke U: A Lesson Learned
**Poke U: A Lesson Learned** "Hey Heart, you up yet?" "..." "Heart?" Rex, still lying in his bed, turned over to his side, but did not see a Tyrantrum anywhere in sight. _Oh, I guess he must have left already to head to practice._ Rex looked over...
Poke U: Meet & Greet
**Poke U: Meet & Greet** Rex laid on his bed, propping one leg on top of the other as he stared at his phone. In the corner, it read 10:00 AM, as he let out a big yawn. Rex loved his Mondays, since he had an open schedule and was free to laze around...
(Reboot) Poke U: Move In Day
**Poke U: Move in Day** "Whoa, so this is what the university campus is like! It is a lot bigger than I thought!" A dinosaur like Pokémon stepped out of his car as he admired the tall buildings all around him. They had to be at least one hundred...