Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 3 - Evolution
#3 of Kyurex
Here is the third part. Sorry if it has mistakes, I was kind of rushing. Why? Yeah I know rushing isn't good but...I've planned this story so much ahead itis kind of happening on its own. Enjoy the story!!
Kyurex stood in the dark, it was night time. But...weird feelings started to pulse through his body. He felt his skin disolve like steam, only to harden even more afterwards. There was no light, nothing, only darkness.
" that you?"
Kyurex didn't get it. A voice? Where? He couldn't see a thing, not even his own body. He suddenly couldn't feel anything either, as if he was just a statue that had the power to think. He wondered about the voice, it sounded familiar, but too distant to be recognized,
"'re so sweet!!"
The voice was louder and was followed by a distant giggle. No doubt it was....
"Revy?" He asked, though his mouth didn't move, he could hear his question echoing in his mind.
"Maan....Kyu!! Didn't you say you wanted to be a fire-type?" another voice could be heard. Flak. Kyus body, though not visible, was disolving again.
"Pff...was probably too hot for him..."
Sruliana. But he couldn't see anybody. He was struck by a sudden headache.
"Ahhh.....what the?-"
His body tightened even more, giving the feeling he was about to get choked by pure pressure coming from no where.
What the hell was going on??-
-"KYU!! Wake the hell up!!"
Kyurex opened his eyes in panic, noticing that it was all a dream. Darkness was everywhere, meaning that it was night time. He could feel his sweat and the weirdest thing was that he still felt like in the dream for a moment. He shivered. May was standing right in front of him, looking worried.
"Idiot, don't make me panic like that!!" she snapped. Kyurex still shivered, he tried to understand the situation he was in, but something made it unclear. He felt weak, in fact he felt as if every inch of hsis energy was dried off. After a short time watching Kyurex trying to get to his senses, May suddenly grinned, biting her lip. She chuckled. Kyurex, still a little shocked wondered what was so amusing.
"What?" he asked, being kind of angered that she laughed at him while he was in such a situation. May giggled again, as if doing it on purpose.
"I can't deny the fact that...well.." May blushed. She was always kind around Kyurex, and it made her feel uneasy. Maybe too uneasy, but she had to say it. "That you look cute..." she smiled.
Kyurex looked at his feet.
"What the.....hell?"
It wasn't very visible due to the dark enviroment, but he realized that his furr was black. Yellow markings. He noticed that usually, he wouldn't be able to see anything at all in the dark. But his sight was getting clearer and clearer. He blinked with his eyes.
Yes...he did feel somehow much different than did he evolve, without noticing?
"I've evolved?" he asked, not knowing who. May had a happy face.
"Uuuuuhhhh!!" She squeeled, circling around Kyurex. Kyurex couldn't stop observing his new body. But how come he evolved without doing anything? Nevertheless, he felt himself rather weak and tired. What was that weird dream all about? May brushed her slim body against Kyurexs. There was no reaction from him, he had to think.
"Did something happen to me while I slept?" he asked, looking at his tail. May stopped.
" were mumbling something..and than you started to breath heavily." she remembered. Kyurex shook his head.
"Wait...did you see how I evolved?" he questioned.
"No...I just woke up thanks to your weird concert!!" she said, trying to make him apologize. Kyurex sighed. "So...are you going anywhere tonight? Or...maybe we could hang out as usual?" May asked. "Hehe...I guess your a little too weak after the was I." May stated. She really hoped Kyurex wouldn't go of training. The Umbreon still didn't move.
Kyurex started to notice some weird taste in his mouth, and also his furr felt sticky around his lips. At first he thought it was some effect after evolving like the weakness and sweat he felt. But then he realized that it wasn't his taste...somehow. He knew his sweat and smell but...
"May..." he sighed. He couldn't believe this female. May's cute ears rose.
"Hmmm?" She hummed. Finally she got his attention, though Kyurex didn't look really happy about it. She wondered.
"What??" she asked, increasing her volume.
"Why the hell did you kiss me?" he knew it was wrong but ey, he wasn't guilty. He didn't even remember it. May blushed, and thank goodness that her red face couldn't be seen thanks to her furr. She stuttered, eventually trying to hide her embarassement.
"EH HE....ehehe....hehe" she couldn't say anything. Damn it!! How did he find out? she thought. Kyurex now really understood that this female wanted something from him. He moved his tongue. Well it tastes good actually, can't deny tha- wait....I can't do this. I'll be cheating...kind of? He thought. May was still at the loss of words. But...
"I-I-m..sorry....I just..." she looked at her paws, with a worried expression. She screwed everything up, she knew it. She knew that he loved Revy and she knew exactly that he never noticed her, maybe as a friend, but not more. But something told her...something deep inside...that feeling never to give up...
Kyurex started to panic too, although he never actually had before in his life, especially because of May. He also didn't know what to say and kind of felt himself lost. He loved Revy, sure but...Right now...he felt like there was something in May that felt attractive. He couldn't go against his belief. Could he? AHH GOSH WHAT am I THINKING about? He thought loudly in his head. It was definately not like him to be out of control. But there was this weakness..this weakness...this fatigue that wanted to overwhelm his head. The evolution....
That has to be it! He thought.
The Umbreon was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice how May slowly stepped towards him. Kyurex tried to gather up his concentration. He suddenly wanted to leave but....
*Kiss *
His tongue touched Mays. The Umbreon was a little suprised at first but, it was his first time and the experience ached his curiosity and lust He suddenly felt her breath enter his mouth while their saliva slowly mixed. He felt her tongue stroking his own, comforting him and making him forget how weak he actually felt. It was warm, wet, and surprisingly amazing. They both were kind of lost in their own, little world in a matter of seconds.
DAMN!! NOT gooood!! Need to stop...ahh but... He thought. But he didn't stop. And if he was honest with himself deep inside, he didn't want too. Why? He didn't know himself. May moaned quietly, making Kyurex understand that she was enjoying it just as much as he did.
It was the first time he ever made out with a female, and even though it wasn't exactly planned, it felt...well....awesome. Their tongues kept dancing.
And after some time....he found the strength to step back. He retreated, confusing May. He needed some air. May also breathed a little faster than usual. Their eyes met, and didn't part for a while. Both....were confused. Kyurex didn't want this to continue...he didn't get his feelings at all and, he knew he had to sort everything out in his mind first before discussing anything. May waited for Kyurex to say something. She didn't know if he was angry, happy or confused. But...she knew that she had done the right thing, because now he could at least acknowledge her feelings towards him.
Oh....Kyurex remembered the meeting.
"Oh Crud!!!" he gasped, turning towards the cave entrance. May was now confused, not knowing what he meant with "Oh Crud".
" it?" she shyly asked, blushing. Was it because of what had happened?
"Got to go!! S-Sorry May!!" he shouted, running off. May sighed, thinking that she totally screwed up while watching Kyurex gradually disappear. She stood there...not knowing what to think.
He was gone. The Mightyena sadly looked at the cave walls.
She then approached the center of the cave once more, and lay herself exactly where Kyurex was before.
"Uuuuuuhh........." she silently mumbled, letting out her disapointment. Did Kyurex just kiss her for fun?
"Freaking damn!! What the hell is going on with me!!???" Kyurex grunted at himself while steadily marching towards the meeting point. He was too weak to walk, but a promise was a promise, especially a really important one. He couldn't just let his friends down. Kyurex breathed heavily feeling a little dizzy, but still he continued. "Everything has to be complicated...." he sighed. Well it was true regarding everything that happened in the last few days and more importantly, everything that was going to happen today. Plus, the most unexpected thing happened today: He actually kissed May. He wasn't sure why or if he actually liked her that much but, he didn't regret it at all.
Though...He was sure that wasn't the case a while back. He knew exacty that he never actually thought of May that way, ever. But...
It was all confusing.
" to clear my mind...full of rubbish!!" he closed his eyes, shaking his head. He marched forwards, just wanting to fulfill his promise. Yep, he wanted to fulfill it, but doesn't mean he would enjoy it. It was dark, and the moon was shining like a newly lit fire. Kyurex enjoyed it, somehow he could feel the rays of the moon landing onto his body, eventually sinking in. His strength slowly returned.
And there, he could see the meeting point.
His heart pounded faster, and he got nervous. He really didn't know how his comrades would react but, he was pretty sure it wasn't going to be positive.
He walked, sitting down onto the grass next to the river. The only thing he could hear was the flowing water, and somehow he felt himself attached to the moon. It kind of stilled his hunger. He looked around, but nobody was around.
He waited. The flowing water humed in his ears. He was nervous, but the sound set him at peace.
"God...damn...What the hell am I doing here?"
Kyurex turned his head immiedately to where the sound came from. He could recognize a yellow/white furred creature with spiky furr, gradually approaching Kyurex from among the trees of the forest. He immiedately remembered his teachings at school, and knew it was a Jolteon. And that meant, of course, that it was most probably Flak. The creature stopped, and sniffed around, just about 8 meters before Kyurex. To the Umbreons surprise, Flak didn't notice a thing, even though his friend stood not far away from him.
"Kyu man...where the hell are you?" Flak spoke with himself still looking around. Kyurex sighed, but he couldn't announce himself, he was thinking about what he should say. Flak sat on the grass, suspiciously looking around. Suddenly, Kyurex heard the rustling sound of somebody stepping through the grass.
"F-Flak?" a cute, sad voice could be heard. The Umbreon witnessed a beautiful purple creature with shiny furr standing not far away from Flak. She looked alot like his own mother. There was some sign of elegance and he recognized a pair of familiar eyes...though different...but still familiar. Revy.
Flaks ears rose, and the Jolteon turned his head towards the purple creature. His expression presented amazement, but at the same time some unfamiliar sadness. The Espeon stopped, still looking sad. Though barely noticable, she trembled. Kyurex was a bit confused, but the presence of Revy made him even more nervous, and for a moment he thought he shouldn't announce himself at all. Flak stood up, slowly.
"Ehh....Revy?" The yellow creature sighed. Kyurex didn't get it. Weren't they supposed to be kind of, well surprised and stuff? I mean, it was the first time they saw each other after the evolution. To Kyurexs amazement tears fell from Revys face. Suddenly, to shock Kyurex even more, she dashed towards Flak pressing her face against Flaks neck, soaking his furr with her tears. Kyurex didn't get why Revy was crying, and why the hell she touched Flak. Weird. Flak tried to calm the Espeon down.
"'s ok....don't cry..." Flak whispered while Revy kept on weeping. Then there was silence, and only Revys crying could be heard. Kyurex sat still, wondering what was going on.
"Kyu..." Revy mumbled while trying to stop crying. Flak was somehow unsure about what he should do next, but he held Revy with his paw. Flak looked worried, as if he regretted something.
"He isn't here yet..." Flak answered. Kyurex somehow thought the problem was he himself, due to the fact that Revy mentioned his name. Though he still didn't understand. Flak continued. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't of told you...abou-"
"I-It's ok...." Revy stuttered, interrupting him. Kyurex listened carefully. Revy regained her ability to speak. The Umbreon could see that she had cried for a long time. Her eyes were swollen. "If you wouldn't have said it...I mean..." she searched for words. "If I were to find out by myself...It would of been a lot worse...I still.." she stopped for a second "I still can't believe it's true..." she finished with deep depression in her voice.
At first, Kyurex was confused...but now, he thought he understood clearly. He was sure that Flak actually told Revy about Kyurexs choice, and that Kyurex had already evolved. He was somehow sure that Revy spoke about it. Though he didn't know how Flak got informed. Probably Mr.Blugsdorn.
Sadness consumed him. He now regretted the fact that he hadn't told them before evolving. He felt such guilt that he instantly decided to turn around and leave. There was no point of staying or listening to the discussion his friends had, he would only make things alot worse. His ears dropped, and he slowly started to walk through the grass. He suddenly wanted to see May, because she was probably the only one who could understand him now. Sad...that's what he was.
He took a last glance at his friends, and entered the nearby by region of trees. The silence wasn't welcoming, and to Kyurexs dismay he didn't feel the moon because of the trees and he didn't hear the flowing water.
He felt himself dizzy again. He just wanted to stop. As soon as he stepped out from the trees, he collapsed onto the ground.
"Man...this sucks..." he mumbled. He really didn't know what to do. He didn't have any plans, plus he didn't feel himself welcome anywhere. His friends were probably really disappointed in him too, or at least Revy, and that was enough to make Kyurex feel bad. Sruliana probably knew as well.
He blinked with his eyes. Everything sucked. Again, unwanted silence gathered around him.