Flow and Father

flow's eyes began to sob a little. suzan felt bad for flow. suzan put her finger on his forehead and said,"this is the least i can do flow." flow didn't know what was going on and began to see a white light.

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Turning Tides of Change

The Turning Tides of Change by Carl Blessing/Murphy Slaugh I'm caught in the tides, going the same direction. I see where I've been and I'm deep in reflection. I want something different, I want a different view. I need a different life than the...

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Who am I?

Who am I but a baby Who just cries and eats And keeps you awake When I should be asleep? Who am I but a toddler Who can hardly stand And proceeds to annoy you Whenever I can? Who am I but a child Who asks for too much Talks for the world yet...

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With The Flow

_'I hate this.'_ Afternoon. Cold skyscrapers hid the setting sun with their straight lines and right angles. Mano missed the reassuring ocean depths around her, the protective cocoon of her sub. The bus station was a river, the swarming masses,...

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Placing her hands on the floor, she roared, letting that energy flow from her again.

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Ebb and Flow

Akira was on a large, thick branch. Halfway up a sycamore tree. She scanned the area. It was night, the dead of night. And not even the moon was out. She took a deep breath and fired off a few echolocation bursts, which squeaked out into the black....

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Water Flowing Underground

"After everything, it's still you." (Undertale, Genocide Run) "It was you, wasn't it?" The humanoid ant queen had stared Fran down severely from her earthen throne. "You killed the ants, didn't you?" The queen had brandished a bloodied ant skull in...

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Karyu's Story - The Way the River Flows

Karyu chuckled as the hand tried to squeeze his neck, with a calm flow, his neck turned into water and the hand went through his neck. "hehehe, that's it?" he grabbed the thick wire that attached the bear's hand to his arm, and held it. "now what?

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Burdens - Chapter 58: Free Flow

He fell asleep as his tears flowed freely.

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Hero, Chapter 4 - By the Flowing River

Reya threw her body to the side just in time to avoid a flaming branch smashing down to the spot where she had stood only a second earlier. She kept on moving, she had to. Flames lapped at her paws and tail with every moment that she...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Conclusion

#10 of from whom all blessings flow (ww5 #2) this particular story concludes, in part, with a prophecy that is somewhat sinister... \*\*\*\*\* (i/\* 7/22/2013) i could, perhaps

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Your Possible Pasts 6 - Ebb And Flow

Many think that it is but one trickle of water in the dirt that one could easily stop by severing the flow before it reaches its end. but in truth, it is like dropping stones in a river much wider than you think.

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