Who am I?

Story by Arobynn on SoFurry

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#3 of Lyrics and writings.

A poem I wrote while reflecting on life, as I often do.


Who am I but a baby

Who just cries and eats

And keeps you awake

When I should be asleep?

Who am I but a toddler

Who can hardly stand

And proceeds to annoy you

Whenever I can?

Who am I but a child

Who asks for too much

Talks for the world

yet knows not enough?

Who am I but a kid

Always watching TV

or dreaming in colours

wanting something to eat?

Who am I but a teenager

Always alone

Listening to rock

And glued to my phone?

Who am I but an adult

Painted in grey

Just earning enough

to live by the day?

Who am I but an old man

Senile and drunk

face flushed red

and eyelids glued stuck?

Who am I but a headstone

Among hundreds of others

Who's story was like mine

Who ran out of time?

Who am I, I ask on this cool summers night?

Nobody will know until I run out of time.