Karyu's Story - The Way the River Flows

Story by TanorFaux on SoFurry

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#1 of Oltanis Series Episodes

This is a long-awaited story that I have written over the few months. I originally put this story together last year when I created Karyu on February 5th, 2013 and started the story on the 11th. Over the months I worked off and on, till it was completed in December.

I wanted to withheld it till I completed Oltanis Z up to the point this story took place which is in between that series and the second series Oltanis Sigma.

But, for Karyu's birthday which was between February 11th to March 17th, considering where he is from, there is a large time difference. Like Teiden's birthday is the entire month of October in relation.

But, I decided to post it now. This is a long novella kind of story that I wanted to really do for him. He is one of my fursonae, and he is my Zodiac fursona. Because I have three water signs, on the Western, Eastern and Chakra Nature are all water. This inspired me to create him. To further explain Teiden's mysterious past and his family.

This is a story of Karyu, takes place one or two years after the ending of Oltanis Z and two to three years before the start of Oltanis Sigma.


Please Use the Link to Read the Full Story!



Chapter 3: The Arrival of the Crimson Reds

Akai looks towards the night horizon through the window, and saw a ship in the distance, "Too late for that. I think that is them."

Azumasen looked outside, "Oh boy, it is them. They're early; we were not supposed to meet till the morning. Now you boys are done for." He took off his shirt and buffed up, "Let's do this, boys! Who's first?" He taunted them with a hand gesture.

Akai stepped forward, "I will, Karyu, back me up." He put his right hand to his waist inside his kimono, and put his left hand towards the bear with his index and middle finger and brought it to his lips, and said, "Hito!" his eyes lit up and he blew a plume of red smoke from his mouth and filled the room with the smoke. The alarm in the room caught the heat of the smoke and the sprinklers turned on and showered the entire room. "Karyu, you're up!"

Karyu chuckles, "Oh yeah, this works." He with his power of hydrokinesis, stopped the water in the air and started to solidify them, and condense them, and turn them into needles. "Onami Style: Needle Rain!" He showers the bear with countless needles of hardened water. This forced the bear to retreat out of the room and back to deck.

The captain of the boat came up to the room soon after, "What is with all the noise?" he sees Karyu and Akai there with the curtain open showing the captives. He shut the door quickly. "Oh, so it's just you boys. Hehehe, you guys looking for your friend, he's downstairs. But you'll have to pass me first." He disappeared and reappeared behind Akai and grabbed his tail and lifted him up quite easily. "This should be quite fun~ I'm much tougher than my first mate, so your little tricks won't work on me." He tossed him out the door and looked towards Karyu. "Now it's your turn!"

Karyu grins and turns into water and escapes out the door back to deck baiting him into the open area, which will turn into his favor quite better. The captain started out following, but he was wise, "Oh so he can turn into water and he can control that element. I see what you're trying to do." He stood by the door and watched out to the deck. He saw the ship in the distance heading towards them. "Not only do we have the stowaways, but it looks like they're early. Dealing with them is not going to be an easy time at all. You two in the cage are quite the expensive ones, I lose you two and I'm in big trouble. Better stay in there." He went out the room and shut the door tightly and guarded it.

Azumasen was on the deck and he looked to the two Tanuki who were fighting him. He looked at them both, "You both got me back there, but out here. I'm boss!" his body looked like it had a sheen to it and he formed ice in his hands and froze his own paws then stamped down with faster speed and tried to give the two a pounding with ice fists. Akai looked to Karyu, "Karyu, take care of the Captain, I can handle him myself."

Karyu nods to him, "Alright." He stood towards Niskuma who was watching them from the stairs. "You up there! I'm rescuing my friend and those important! You won't stand in my way!" Niskuma could only chuckle at him and he jumped from the stairs and landed on the floor with a pounding thud, making the floor crack a bit.

Niskuma chuckled at him, "Alright, I will not argue with you. But I will say, you are quite the spirited one. So allow me to break that spirit water boy." He took off his glove on his right hand and showed his metal hand, "I lost this hand in a battle, and had to get a new one. But, I can do this with it." He spun his hand and launched it and grabbed Karyu's neck who did not try to dodge.

Karyu chuckled as the hand tried to squeeze his neck, with a calm flow, his neck turned into water and the hand went through his neck. "Hehehe, that's it?" He grabbed the thick wire that attached the bear's hand to his arm, and held it. "Now what? ^^"

Akai was effectively dodging Azumasen's attacks so far, while the bear charged at him, Akai could study his movements for his next attack. His right hand never left his side and was only using his left hand. He jumped over the bear and took out his katana that was hidden in his kimono and lunged behind the bear with the katana at hand.

Azumasen detected the attack and pounded his iced hand on the katana and was able to grab it safely because of his frozen hand and started to freeze the sword towards Akai's body. Akai let go of the katana quickly and blew the hot smoke into his face from his mouth. He coughed and rubbed his eyes as the burning smoke filled his lungs and stung his eyes. "What a cheap-" he was then stunned by a palm strike to his stomach and kicked into the jaw, then Akai grabbed his neck with his tail and pulled it down so Akai could pound the forehead with an open palm blow. The combination made the bear stumble back and fall to the ground.

Back in the captain's quarters, a door was kicked down, and Jinsoku was free. "He should have never left me alone. Those two are going to pay big time. Don't worry Grandpa-ojisan, I'll be well.."

The old otter responded with assurance, "Remember what I taught you, and use it well. Come back alive..."

Jinsoku reassured him, "I will!" He ran outside onto the helm's roof. "They're here now. They have not noticed us. Wait a second, they're not stopping?" The ship was much closer, and what stood out, was how technologically advanced it was. It had a metal exterior with a big giant axe as the figurehead. It was very sharp looking. There were cloaked men on board. The ship was luxurious for the most part as well. It had a crimson hull and most the decks were black. On the ship's crimson sails was a black star with a scythe cutting into the center.

He was not the only one to notice them, down on deck Karyu, Akai, and the two bears saw this. Niskuma retracted his hand with Karyu still holding it and threw him into the side of the ship to make him let go, he ran to the bow of the ship to get them to stop their boat. "YO!! Stop your boat before you ram into us!!"

Azumasen brushed Akai aside and ran to the helm and the pilot was unconscious too, no one was piloting the ship here. "When did this happen? Anyway," he took control of the ship and tried to move the ship starboard to dodge them. The axed ship ahead continued going forward as if it was going to ram the ship. "What are they doing over there?"

Karyu ran to the bow of the ship, "Why are they not stopping? Are they mad?"

The cloaked men on the deck of the ship readied cannons of fireballs and launched them into the air towards the ship.

Karyu saw the attack was for them at the bow, "They're trying to sink us too." He jumped to meet the fireballs and launched water balls from his hand to douse them. Inside the fire were metal cannon balls. They were indeed doused, and stopped in the air. They dropped to the ship and broke into the ship's deck.

Niskuma responded, "Yeah, they are mad. Do they know that we have who we're trying to ship them? I call a truce because it looks like I am not the enemy anymore if they're attacking us..."

Akai yells at them, "Hey! Stop your boat!" The cloaked figures stepped to the bow of their ship and chuckled, the ship was right upon them. Azumasen's turn of the ship was not enough to get it away from them. Their ship crashed into the port of the ship, with the axe on their figurehead slicing it in half. The loud crashing as the ship came apart nearly in half as the ship was at the mercy at the other, then it stopped moving. The one cloaked man at the bow had said, "Oh sorry, we thought you were a shadow~hehehe."

Azumasen ran out of the helm to the deck seeing as how he cannot use the ship like this. "What is going on here?"

Karyu, Akai, Niskuma and Azumasen were on deck, and Jinsoku was in the captain's quarters again, this time he got the two captives freed. "We got to get off this ship. There is a lifeboat on here, if I can get you guys back to shore, that way..." he looks around seeing how far they travelled. He went to get a scroll from his robe, but then he remembered he was in the sailor's outfit because he lost his clothes earlier. "Damn, I don't have it! I was going to use my special technique to teleport you folks home."

Jinsoku's grandfather replied, "Hmm, that is an issue. Do you know how to write it?"

Jinsoku hummed, "No, I don't remember the pattern. Let's just use the lifeboat." He took them outside and headed for the lifeboat on the starboard side. Akai sensed them, "Jin!" he looked back and saw them heading for the lifeboat. Karyu and Akai ran to Jinsoku's aid. "We got to get off the ship before it sinks and get you two home."

Azumasen and Niskuma walked to them. Azumasen looked at them with eyes of shame, "I am not your enemy anymore. If it helps at all, I can get them back to shore..."

Akai, Karyu and Jinsoku traded looks. Jinsoku looked at Azumasen, "Despite what you two done...and I do not know if I can trust you two either...we have no choice. Karyu what do you propose we do?"

Karyu thinks, "Like you stated, we do not have much of a choice here. Any of you two want to tag along back?"

Akai steps up, "I'll head back with them, once I get to shore I'll get back up..."

From the ship that attacked them, about five soldiers landed on their ship. They had black gi, pants and tabi, with red armor, gold helmets. They looked pretty strong as well. One stepped up, he had a black cape, seemed like the commander of the squad. "None of you shall escape! The lord of death shall have you."

Jinsoku growls, "I'll stall them while you get them away."