Tales of the Lost Chapter 5: The new friend, Colette

Tenebrae finally came into view and saw that marta was passed out and athos was passed out as well, he went over to marta and picked her up with ease and ran away from athos if he ever woke up and chased after them.

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Chapter 16: Recovery

We've tried to contact you since you passed out." al holds his head trying to steady himself. "passed out, how long was i out?" "you were out for almost four hours straight.

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The real problem came when he passed out, and she ended up dragging a 25 year old, 190 pound wolf back to her house.

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The Hiding Diversity (writers block ah!)

Once she got to the middle of town she felt dizzy and passed out, but before she passed out she recognised some people. when seija woke from passing out, she noticed that a few hours passed.


Painful Solitude Ch.3

I think leon is passing out candy." "oh. okay. um...do you want to pass out candy here with me? my mom doesn't like doing that, and i...just want someone to keep me from being bored to death." zane smiled. "sure.

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KoD-Ep6-Major Civil War-

"that... was painful" those were the only words i said before i passed out and the things that i remember is the shock on my teammate's faces when i passed out.

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Tales of the Stars Chapter 3: Diana's dark side, The enemy appears!

Emil looked around and saw that everyone was passed out in the room, once he looked at diana, his eyes widen and he let out a scream.

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Winter's day (WIP)

The smell of foulness lingers the air from the passed out drunkards on the floor. loud and obnoxious singing can be heard from miles away, as the bartender tries to concentrate on the orders of mead and food.

My dream in story form... Atleast I think it's a dream

The room started going cold, and i passed out... there was this glow... i opened my eyes, and i saw... jesus...? he was wearing white robes with a purple sach. on his hands and feet still was the markers of his tragic death.

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Taggart Ó Cuagan Prologue

I didn't initially pass out; i tried crawling out of the alley, so someone in the city could find and help me. i can't remember passing out, but the next morning i woke up in a nice bed.
