Stud & Geek
_\< If you had my love, and I gave my trust / Would you comfort me? And if somehow you know that your love would be untrue / Would you lie to me and call me "baby"?\> Ah, nineties, the best years ever for music! Well, let's check that I have all....
Meet the Studs: Joao, the Dark Wall of Dragon Meat
#7 of meet the studs so, bit of a musclefur fan. less obvious from my writing style and gallery than you'd think, but just glance at mah faves. the evidence is there.
Meet the Studs: The Tiger who Blinds like the Sun
#10 of meet the studs so, bit of a musclefur fan. less obvious from my writing style and gallery than you'd think, but there it is. all things meaty, manly(and sometimes femmy), and powerful, when portrayed with style and talent, is a+ in my book.
The Arrival (Part 2)
Standing framed for a moment at the back of the compartment was a stud, broad and dark grey, clad in similarly grey armour with midnight black fatigues. the stud moved forward, clutching the hilt of a sword sheathed on his belt.
The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII
He squeezed the firing stud; the bb-sized round punched through the stiff nanofiber like old-fashioned cardboard.
A Wispa On the Winds.
"with your approval, apollo, i'd like to propose a trade: wispa, for the stud. have we got a deal?" cobalt said shrewdly, smirking as he held onto the reigns of the stud which he'd already saddled himself.
not so quite romantic first date , part 2
"hey there stud aren't you in the middle of a haircut hehe" cameron said with a soft warm chuckle in his voice that made mike blush lightly.
The right ear was remarkably untouched, with a small metal stud visible at the tip. her picture stared back at him from the data pad, a green jeweled stud in her right ear, matching the color of her eyes.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 3-B
This notion was proven correct when an iron-studded beam suddenly whipped the air over her head. she then jumped forward, expecting this back and forth motion to occur continually for some time.
Around the Bend Part I
He had earings in both ears, three silver studs in his left ear and a single stud in the right. glasses rested upon his muzzle giving him the cute librarian look. he shook his head violently and stood up straight to look at his surroundings.
Am I In Love? 2
"hey foxy who's the stud?" he asked. "this stud is alpha he's a new student at hades high, alpha this is a friend of mine dante."
A Queen of Koroth
Lita sighed, still eying the silver studs in her snout and the gold rings in her eyebrows and ears, and then finished disrobing.