Tales of the Lost Chapter 5: The new friend, Colette

Story by Emil Livier on SoFurry

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Tales of the Lost Chapter 5: The new friend, Colette

Tenebrae and Emil were going to fight Hawk while Colette fought off Porthos and Marta fought off Athos. Tenebrae jumped into the air and charged down at Hawk, on his right paw had a dark energy and he closed it to make a his fits have the dark energy consumed, Emil had gone into his other mode and he pulled out his blade and charged at Hawk, once he got close enough, he dropped the tip of his blade to the ground and pulled it back up to slice Hawk whole body in half, but Hawk already saw their moves coming, he used his one claw to grab Emil's blade and made it stop, while he grabbed Tenebrae's paw and threw him onto the ground next to him. Emil looked at Hawk and saw that he was smiling, which made him even more angry, he took his paw off of his blade and dropped to the ground and finally, kicked Hawk in the air, successfully Hawk flew into the air and Emil grabbed his blade that was on the ground and jumped up. Tenebrae looked up from the ground and saw Emil and Hawk in the air, this gave Tenebrae and idea and he got up and put one paw on the other and concentrated, showing a dark energy that was being compressed into a tiny ball. Once Tenebrae had finished, his compressed energy ball was on his paw he looked back up to see how Emil was going with his progress of getting rid of Hawk. Emil pulled his bladed down onto Hawk's head, but Hawk successfully blocked it and said, "You really think that would work?" Emil growled and landed back to the ground where Hawk was waiting for him he ran up to him but jumped into the air and said with a evil smile ,"Havoc Strike!" he spun in mid-air and slammed his blade onto Hawk, but saw that he had blocked it with his claws, he gave out a smile and use the rest of his weight and finally, Hawk's claws broke into pieces, and sliced Hawk's face but barley so that he didn't slice the whole skull in half. Hawk screamed in pain and fell to the ground saying "H-How dare you?!" he covered the right if his face, since that was where it was bleeding, and growled at Emil and Tenebrae. Tenebrae looked at Emil and said, "I'm really impressed, Emil" Emil just scoffed and said, "Let's go we don't need to finish him off." Tenebrae looked at him with a his ears down and said, "Ok. . .But first" He threw his compressed energy at Hawk and once it touched Hawk it made a ball around him and pushed him down to the ground and Tenebrae said, "Dark Gravity." Hawk just yelled until he passed out and the dark energy was gone. Emil and Tenebrae walked off to find Colette and Marta.

Meanwhile, Marta and Colette were about to fight Porthos and Athos. The two monsters growled and charged at them, Marta looked at Colette and Colette looked back, they both shook their heads and charged at them. Colette jumped and flew into the air and pulled out her two rings and threw them at Porthos, they cut Porthos and came back to her, Porthos growled even more and charged at her and jumped into the air to bite her, but sadly, Colette moved out of the way before she was bitten but some of her clothes was ripped. Colette went to the ground and said, "Go, Ray Thrust!" She threw her rings at Porthos again, but he kept dodging them every time she threw them, Porthos finally jumped into the air when Colette's rings were out of her rang and sliced more of her clothes off. Colette yelled and fell to the ground and saw that almost all of her was exposed and she blushed and said, "Oh no. . .I messed up." Porthos charged at her one more time, but luckily Colette's rings came back into her hand and she ran under him once he tried to pounce on her and put on of her rings on his chest and cut some of his chest and rolled to the ground when Porthos went to the ground and passed out. Porthos passed out as well. Emil and Tenebrae went over to Colette and said, "Colette are you ok?!" She blushed and was still breathing but didn't say anything, Tenebrae looked at her and saw her almost exposed body and blushed and said, "Emil, W-We must take her somewhere safe." Emil looked at Tenebrae and said with a blank expression "Yea I'll take her while you go find Marta." Tenebrae looked frustrated but said, "Ok." Emil ran away from Tenebrae and Tenebrae got up and walked over to see if he could find Marta.

Marta was going to fight Athos, she had opened her saw-like blade that was on her wrist and charged at him. Athos looked at her and charged at her he jumped up into the air and tried to kick Marta's chest, but Marta side-step to the right and cut the back of Atho's neck. Athos screamed and looked back at Mata glared at her, Marta looked into his eyes and felt herself be frozen she tried to move, but she couldn't. Athos smiled and hoped to her and kicked her in the face, she fell to the ground and tried to look up at Athos. Athos giggled ad stepped on her face while she just growled at it. Athos looked back down at her and blushed and looked at her dress he let out another giggle and moved his paw up and down and finally he went to her cheek and touched it gently and slowly. Marta blushed when he saw what was happening to her and she couldn't do a thing until, she felt her body coming back to her and looked up at Athos and saw that he didn't see that she was regaining her body back. Athos stopped touching her cheeks and pulled out his claws and ripped her dress, she blushed even more when he did that and saw that some of her was being seen by him and finally, she kicked him and he fell to the ground and passed out. Marta looked at herself and saw that her whole dress was ruined but luckily, some of her clothes covered up things she didn't want exposed by a monster and she passed out. Tenebrae finally came into view and saw that Marta was passed out and Athos was passed out as well, he went over to Marta and picked her up with ease and ran away from Athos if he ever woke up and chased after them. Alice, who saw everything, let out a huge sigh and said, "I guess this isn't my day then." she jumped off the cliff and said, "Aramis! Come!" a whale-like monster came and Alice fell on his back and he floated away from the town.

Marta woke up and got surprised, she got up and looked to see that she had new clothes on. Marta had on a white long shirt on that had oranges lines at the end of the shirt and a black ribbon on her shirts as well, she had on a skirt that was the same color as the shirt, and felt her head to feel that she had on two white flowers on each side. Marta looked around to find Colette sleeping near her and Tenebrae and Emil weren't there, she got up and walked over to Colette and shook her a little and said, "Hey Colette, wake up." Colette slowly woke up and looked at Marta and said, "Marta? Is that you?" Marta shook her head and asked, "Wait, how do you know my name?" Colette got out of the bed and looked to see that she had on a white dress with blue lines on the end of the dress and had on a necklace that had a red gem, she rubbed her eyes and said, "Emil told me." Marta shook her head and looked around to see that they were both at an Inn, Marta looked back at Colette and said, "I-I'm-" Colette interrupted her by saying, "I'm sorry." Marta got surprised at what she heard and asked "why are you apologizing to me?" Colette looked down to the ground and said "It's my fault for letting the Giant Kharlan go on a rampage. IF I wasn't such a coward, I could of save all those people." Marta looked at her and felt sorry for her, when she was about to say something else, Colette said "I must go to the Mayor's house now." She ran out of the room and Marta stood there, looking at the ground, she finally, got her new boots on that looked red with black laces on, she then got up and walked outside. Once outside of the Inn she saw Tenebrae and Emil standing next to the Inn, she looked at them and walked over to them, Emil looked at her and waved ,saying, "Hey there." Marta asked, "Were you the ones who helped me and Colette into the Inn and got us those new clothes?" Emil looked away from her and said, "I help Colette while Tenebrae here helped you." Tenebrae rubbed his head and Marta smiled and him and said, "Thank you, Tenebrae." Tenebrae blushed and looked away from her and said, "Oh it was nothing really." Marta looked back at Emil and said, "Let's go to the Mayor's house." Tenebrae looked back and they both shook their head and finally, they all went to the Mayor's house. Once in the Mayor's house, they saw Colette talking to the Mayor, Marta went up to Colette and said, "Hey Colette." Colette turned around and said, "Oh, Yes is there something you need Marta?" Marta rubbed her arm and said, "I'm, Uh, Really sorry for pushing you down and getting you into that fight." Colette smiled and said, "You don't need to apologizes for pushing me back there. I needed that and I thank you for that. And I wanted to get into the fight because I wanted to protect that little girl." Marta then remembered and said, "Oh, yea is that little girl alright." Emil stepped in and said, "Oh yea, right after me and Tenebrae got you to the Inn, we came back and helped the little girl get back to her parents." Marta and Colette let out a sigh of relief and they both said, "Oh that's good." Marta asked Colette, "Oh yea what are you doing here?" Colette remembered and said, "Oh, you know how it's windy in this city. Well, the Mayor here asked if I could Asgard with this wind problem." Tenebrae said to Colette "Oh, you don't mind if we help you with the problem as well." Colette said "Oh you would help me?" Marta gave her a smile and said, "It's the least we can do. Right guys?" Tenebrae and Emil shook their head and Colette felt more happy and said "Ok the, from now on were all friends." Marta said, "Oh, that's great! I would love to be friends with you." Emil said "Oh I'd like to be friends with you also." Tenebrae chuckled and said "Ok then were friends." Colette jumped into the sky with joy and landed back down and said "Ok then!" Emil, Marta, and Tenebrae laughed and Colette laughed as well. They all went out of the Mayor's house and Marta said, "Oh yea, how are we going to stop the wind problem?" Colette looked at Marta and said, " Well, the last time there was wind problems Me and Lloyd and everyone else went to the stone dais." Emil said, "Ok then, let's go to the stone dais then." They all cheered and everyone but Emil, ran with Colette, Emil looked up at the sky and thought "One of Lloyd's friends are my friends now. Colette is nice and all, but why is she concerned about Lloyd ?" Marta yelled, "Hey, Emil! Come on let's go!" Emil put his paw up and yelled back, "Ok I'm coming!" And he ran to them with a smile on his face and thought, "Well even if It's Lloyd's friend, Colette is nice, kind, and a selfless girl who puts others before herself. She is nice and I'll help her whenever I can." Finally, Emil got to his friends and Colette said, "Ok, The stone dais is right over there so it's not going to be long." She pointed to the highest place in the city and they all shook their heads and ran to it.

I hope everyone likes this one! ^w^