My Name is Beautiful

My Name is Beautiful By Andrew Todachinnie The fantastic journey of a young anthropomorphic fox on his quest for self-discovery. Chapter One This is Home The sky began to brighten, turning gold and blue as the sun made its way to the horizon. The...


Ayasha's Adventure - Chapter one - The Reservation

_ "Alright alright settle down everybody,"_ I said with a grin. This was my third time visiting my family on the reservation in Wisconsin and upon my arrival I was immediately surrounded by the children of the village. _"Ayasha!"_ They would scream...

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StrangeOwl Chapter 4

Pulling on the robe I hurried towards the camp, my mind flying as fast as my feet were moving. As I entered the camp the people stopped what they were doing and stared. A few hesitantly raised their hands as if to wave and others pulled their children...

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MTG: Aqalax

An mtg fan plane based on native american cultures naje held unto the her boat. it was midday, but in the bayous of the guey territory the cypresses dimmed the sunlight somewhat. it was enough for her purposes.

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Letters of Einstein & Rosen: Prolog

It amuses me at times, how the native american humans worshiped and revered our feral ancestors. i wonder, if they would have thought differently of the anikawi, or the feral white-tail deer before our uplift?

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The Man Whose Never Died

Darrylar stormshadow, who was a man in his mid-twenties, was a member of a 30 strong tribe of hunter-gatherers, predating the archaic period of native american culture. dar's clan lived south of the great lake region.

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Signs of Love

This short story contains certain elements found in some native american cultures and the book "indian sign language" by william tomkins. let me know what you think of it.

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Of the Wolf's Blood Chapter 2

Chasing, chasing. He was running faster than he had ever run before in his life. The trees darted by in a blurred flash as he ran. Suddenly there was a monstrous black wolf before him, snarling and spewing blood from its mouth. Tyler looked down to his...

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Helos's Gift

It is basically just a short story that took me about six hours to finish and takes its roots in some style of mythology (i went with mythology similar to that of native american tribes).

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Centennial Dawn Ch. 1: The Rite of Passage

Ch. 1 : Rite of Passage Pacific Northwest North America. Late Pleistocene epoch. 23,710 B.C. A herd of Mammoths are grazing in a meadow on a warm noon. In the nearby pines, five Dire wolves are hiding and watching patiently in prone with their spears...

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Furred Traditions Chapter 4

The nights in our village are usually calm. But one particular summer night, things became very lively. I was woken by the sound of howling, multiple sources could be heard. I went outside to see I wasn't the only one awake. Many people stood outside...

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Wayfinder's Journals (2)

A descendant of the native americans, come as a researcher wishing to learn, was the first and best chance of improving strained relations, in his eyes.

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