Cold Rumble (Otherwise Untitled)

The badger's confidence in his own motorcycle husbandry skills melted a bit more with each shuddering cough of the engine and prickle of the blizzard seeping into his gloves.

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One Year Surprise

Razor stopped the bike in front the familiar brick fronted townhouse. The arctic white vixen was sitting on the stairs in front of the door. He took the helmet off his head and looked over at Sarah with a smile. They had been going out for a year...

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Detail Practice: Moto Mania

#6 of writing exercises 617 word description of a frog turning into a motorcycle. been trying to write this off and on for a while, then i figured, "screw it, it's just an exercise." now, froxy was getting too busty for her bra.

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It's An Epic Finale (Part 1)

Brent is the one driving his and syd's motorcycle. "you'd think that a 17-year-old couldn't be able to drive a motorcycle; but my dad has one and he's been teaching me." he says. "why's that?" syd asks.

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Of the Wolf's Blood Chapter 2

When he exited the camp he saw what appeared to be a bran new indian dark horse motorcycle. it was black with the model's tell tail wheel coverings that gave it a slightly retro, yet stream line look.

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Names Long Lost - S

His motorcycle was lying some few yards away, or at least was left of it. bits and pieces of it were strewn about in the tall grass. scout slowly sat up, his face and body still obscured by his tinted motorcycle helmet and gear.

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Garage Visit

"giving you your motorcycle."

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Dive To Thrive And Survive

Her and vito hop onto a nearby motorcycle, riding off to catch up to the other teams. judy, parker, and majira start the task next. "are you almost done?" sally asks.

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Ghost Rider

He was detached from the surrounding world, he would keep on riding that motorcycle through the highs and lows like a ghost rider.

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Blood Red: Chapter Eight: Old Faces (part 2)

I wasted no time in lifting my right leg around to meet my left, my right paw still keeping the motorbike steady as i tossed my handgun away and prepared to jump onto the truck.

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Like on your motorcycle"said mike "ok!"said tom in a very happy way. 9pm on there motorcycle the we're riding around in the city. "hey mike may i plz have a hug?"said tom. "ok!" said mike while hugging him. "can u tell me u love me?"

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Untamed Wildlands

And now i miss my motorcycle. -if you miss your motorcycle then just go after it! nyx said while she entered the door. -nyx! yer not dead! where have ya been? -to find some food...i really wanna taste some tiger meat, but i bet you taste like rubber.

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