Winter's day (WIP)
Just something i did for credit recovery in school, i want opinions to how it looks. might change it later to be more furry like, this is just a rough draft
As in a cold winter day, in the city of Renz, there were many travelers coming from a far to address the king and to enjoy the annual festival, celebrating the kingdoms freedom from tyrants. In a local building called Spera Tavern, many people gather to have good drinks, laughs, to hear rumors, and to socialize. A bartender runs around the room serving drinks, taking orders, and dodging the occasional objects thrown in disgust by the more drunk customers. The bartender scurries about as fast and as best as he can around the chaos in his workplace. The smell of foulness lingers the air from the passed out drunkards on the floor. Loud and obnoxious singing can be heard from miles away, as the bartender tries to concentrate on the orders of mead and food.
Later that night it starts to quiet down and the last group who was still conscious stood near the fire, still drinking and singing. The bartender sits at a table with a local mercenary named Luke, and catches his breath from running around. His boss was out as usual, enjoying himself none the less, so he had time to just sit down and rest. The mercenary looks up from his drink as another traveler comes in the door, letting the bone chilling breeze into the tavern. He looks around for an empty spot and sees the table with the bartender and the mercenary. Considering the other tables had passed out drunks sprawled out on most of them, he wanted company to talk to. He sits down and offers his hand to the bartender and mercenary.
"Jeremiah, it's nice to meet you two." He says in a light accent. The bartender extends his hand, "James, pleasure is mine." The mercenary does the same and shakes the traveler's hand, "Luke." After giving a welcoming smile, the bartender reluctantly gets back up and walks towards the kitchen. "Need anything traveler? We have fine mead to offer and there's some bread left from the-"The traveler shakes his head and stops the bartender, "actually I am looking for a traveling companion to help me with something.."
The bartender looks at the mercenary and back at Jeremiah. "Well the mercenary is very good at using a spear from what I heard." The traveler looks up towards the bartender and gives him a weird ominous look. "From what I heard, there is a bartender in this city who is exceptionally good at using a dagger." He raises his eyebrow and looks straight at him, "Look, all I'm wanting to do is to get rid of some bandits who have taken my home. I want to get my family back from them, and I want the best of help."
The bartender shakes his head and blushes a bit. "I've quit my adventurous phase after my parents owed a wealthy family a lot of debt. I work here to pay that debt off, and I can't leave." Jeremiah frowns and looks around at the messy tables and the drooling drunks. "You can't honestly say that this is the life you want. Serving disrespectful drunks and being a slave to a family." he says with a disappointed tone. "Come on, my town isn't the only thing that needs help. There have been many families, cities, and farms I have seen on the way here. Everyone goes through problems in their lives"
James looks down and wonders what kind of life he'd want to live if he was out of this job. He would want to explore the world, while meeting new people and making friends. Eventually he would want to have a companion by his side. Not just a traveling buddy, but also as an intimate lover. James shakes the thought and looks up at the two. "I'm not sure... I mean all I do is made mistakes and I still have to repay my families de- "
One of the customers, who James had thought to be passed out, stood up and stopped him. Micha was his name, and was a regular customer at the tavern. "James, don't lie to yourself. I have been to this place almost every day for 5 years, and I know you hate this job." Micha said standing next to James. Jeremiah and Luke both look at him, astonished that he was listening in on the conversation. "I too wanted to go and venture out into the world. I gave that up though for school and a job, but I still wonder how much fun it would be if I hadn't quit. I don't want to see you throw away your dreams for something your parents did to you. If I had your chance, I would take it and go." Micha sits down with the other two and continues to drink from his tankard.
The three of them look up to James, while he fidgets and looks around the room. James doesn't want to be stuck at this horrible job. He barely gets any money for clothes, and he rarely sleeps. It tires him and he doesn't enjoy any part of it. James looks back at them and tries to answer them, but then his boss walked in through the door, letting cold air into the tavern. James hesitantly picks up his rag and starts walking back to the counter.
"I don't recall saying you can have a break Deegan. Get back to making my money!" The boss says to James and proceeds to walk to the upstairs, where his office is. James' boss, Victor, walked with a certain way that makes him feel more superior and better than everyone else. His chin was up, his chest was out, and his smirk made you feel like he was looking at dirt, or worse. His stare caused uneasiness to the three at the table, making Micha go back to his drink, Luke went back to checking his bags, and Jeremiah went to ask James for something to eat.
James was behind the counter washing the tankards and plates in the sink when Jeremiah came up. "Is that your boss..? He doesn't exactly fit the definition of nice or welcoming." James only nodded and said, "Yes... his name is Victor and he is son of the family who owns this establishment." Jeremiah looked back at the other two and saw their concerned face. Jeremiah was also concerned about James and decided to ask his earlier question again.
"James, I don't think either one of us want you to stay here any longer. I've only known you for the past half hour, but I really think you should go with one of us and away from this guy." Jeremiah said to James. James kept looking down at the sink, letting the warm water soak his hands. He thought of the fun he had with his uncle, when they went to adventure out to participate in a festival 4 towns over. The nice people he met on the way, The beautiful land in every village, and the fun he had meeting new friends. He felt like a prisoner here, with his boss constantly talking down upon him. The only reason people keep coming, is for the mead that only Victor's family makes, and the wine that is only available in this part of the country.
James grazes his hand across the cold metal on his knife that he carries on his waist, and looks back to the other three. "Take me with you..." James began to say, until Victor came back down with an angry glare. He must have overheard because he was glaring down at the group and then directly at James. "You ungrateful little twerp, I could have you and your parents arrested by the guards if you try to run away. Your family owes mine money!" Victor declares as his face turns red from anger. "You should learn that you do not mess with me boy! I own you, my father owns you, and my son will own you. You will never get out of debt now; I am reducing your pay. Again!"
James looks down and grabs hold of the knife he had, making his fist turn white from gripping it too hard. Then Jeremiah, Luke, and Micha all stood up from where they were. James looks at them as they all put their hands around him. "James has every right to leave," Jeremiah said, "and you can't keep him away from his dreams." Micha, although appearing to be a bit tipsy, stands beside James. "I have been a customer for years and I've wanted to take James away from your abusive ways for a long time. You treat him poorly, call him degrading names, and when you think everyone is passed out, you even hit James when furniture is broken. I have seen it on many occasions and I cannot allow James to be hurt anymore."
James looks up at Micha. He had no clue that anyone else cared. The mercenary and Micha have been coming to the place every week, but he didn't know that they look out for him. He smiles and finalizes his decision. James is going to leave this place and go with them out into the world. Taking Micha's hand he heads towards the backdoor and takes a small rut sack, which he fills with bread and dried meat. Victor immediately starts to head towards the kitchen where they are, but Jeremiah and Luke stop him. "Out of the way you insolent fools!" He yells as he grabs for a dinner knife on a nearby table. Luke immediately acts and hits Victor's hand, disarming him from the knife, and then again hits him on the back of the head. Victor hits the floor and struggles to get back up.
James, with a now full sack of food, grabs Jeremiah and Luke's hand as they run towards the backdoor. A slight smile was seen on James' face as they keep running out towards the walls of the city. As they reach the gate James begins to laugh a bit and looks back towards the city. The tavern, castle and his old home can be seen from a distance.
As they four come to a stop at a crossroad, they pant and catch their breaths for a bit. "You sure you want to do this James?" Luke asks as they rest for a bit. James smiles and looks up at the stars. "As long as I'm with you guys... I think I'll be happy. I have never gotten a chance to get to know the three of you. But I hope we can be together forever," James begins as he looks back at the group, "because I trust you guys. I know you won't hurt me."
Jeremiah smiles, "So you'll help me?"
Micha nods and wraps an arm around Jeremiah, "And you'll have an adventure with me?"
Luke just crosses his arms and holds back his grin. James notices and wraps his arms around Luke. "And I'll have a friendship with you guys too." The four of them then look at each other and for once, they each feel happy and safe with almost complete strangers. James looks up at the stars and then ask the other three, "so where to now my friends."