Surface (Chapter 8)
Some masters recommended finding quiet spots to perform meditation in, which could be a lot easier said than done, whereas others actually recommended finding the noisiest and most crowded possible places to meditate in specifically to train oneself to remain
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 10, "The Gauntlet Of The Century" - Winner Reveal
You've grown yourself into the role, and if there's something i respect, it's forging oneself into a deadly weapon. go get it, philly." \*vote for kenneth\* crispin: "don't let anyone over there tell ya your resolve is not strong enough.
Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2
It took a truly masterful level of skill to fool oneself. well, there was no point laying around worrying about it. whatever had happened, kickaha was awake now and he might as well get around to hatching. how to get about that?
A whole new world Part 2
Looking at his paws, the short claws that stuck out didn't seem to be made for elevating oneself up that steep rise seemed all but impossible.
Not ever understanding oneself or even realize why you're doing things or feeling them lies at the very core of puberty. often times acting out is the only thing that makes sense, other times it is blending in with the crowd to avoid being ostracized.
Rose- Back to the Start
That intense need to gorge oneself to make up for lost calories. but your stomach is still human sized. if you eat as much or as quick as your body wants you to you'll only make yourself sick and throw it up.
Red Twilight World Walker Chapter 2 Into Nothing
There are a multitude of ways to take another's essence into oneself. directly might well be the most unpleasant.
Its Own Death
8) italian figure of speech that means "to make a fool of oneself". 9) covered passage that links the papal apartments in the vatican to castel sant'angelo. 10) municipality. 11) hi guys!
The Human Species Ch.9 - Hopeless Romantic Rukario
The form of a pokémon was not something he had gotten used to, but that did little to lessen the surreal sight of a slightly alternate version of oneself.
Jeremy 088; Many Miles Away
It had to be difficult to adjust to someone more than twice the size as oneself when it was such a rare occurrence. the trouble was he just couldn't be sure that was the reason for the reactions.
Dragon Freeze Pain
Because as much fun as it was to know how much pain he must be in, there could absolutely be no way that pain was pleasant to experience as oneself.
too war
War "a battle agents oneself or someone" ch 1 flash back as the storm approaches from the east and the moon still high in the night sky, as the cold steel light dances on the dew covered grass sways like tiny swords raised