SPQR- Chapter 1

The streets of rome would be lined with all manner of its subjects, selling souvenirs, making music on their pipes, and all would sing praises to the glory of rome and the power of her divine emperor.

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SPQR Chapter 7

"i could save you from prison and exceution if you would only bow your knee and admit the obvious fact that i am a divine god, sent to lead rome to world domination."

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SPQR Chapter 5

It was obvious at this point that martellus was now beyond frustrated with the city of rome for its bloodthirsty ways, which at this point seemed to be as much a part of the city as the color white was to the salt the wolf received as payment while serving

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SPQR Chapter 6

All were made to address him as a god and the priests had received a mandate to praise him as "the only god of rome."

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In The Shadow of a Would Be King

Shall rome, &c. speak, strike, redress. brutus, thou sleep'st; awake. i puzzled over this letter for a minute. this was not the first note of flattery that i had received but the words: shall rome &c puzzled me.

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SPQR Chapter 4

But the lust for violence was what rome was known for and there would be absolutely no changing it whatsoever.

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Needs a title

Chapter 4 spring 26.04.2027 07:15 rome - moscow -such a lovely view isn't it? damien stared out of the window during the whole flight, he must really like clouds.

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Faction: The Corpus Archives- Operation Phantom Operative intro

"alpha one to units two through six, our destination is rome, eta one hour," nyx said through her com. she glanced back at ezekiel. "hold on tight, we have a terrorist to catch."

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**colosseum** by ff\_b "see rome and die," roger's mother had always said.


The Creed

Kanon, in his Assassin White tunic, sat on top of a building. A gust of wind lightly brushed past his hood, revealing the intense eyes that lied hidden beneath it. "Time to get to work..." he muttered to himself as he watched over the city, hanging...

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Haiku on the Collapse

Fiddling while rome burns, if a fiddle's all you have, is hardly a sin.
