top 10 rules to being popular on sofurry

10.don't be huskydingo where only 1 or 2 people really do like you only to "fix" you 9.write "creative things that last so long you have to scroll 8.interactive storys are bad ideas nobody cares or will pay attenion will get 3-5 stars if you...

Your Best [INSERT HERE] Walks Into a Bar Jokes With a Twist!

Why not tell or retell those old and worn jokes from a story-tellers pov? in other words, take one or more of your favorite or least desired jokes and turn it into a real story.

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vore in a nutshell part 1(comedy)

Warning:if you love vore please take no offense to the fallowing jokes in this story. so it was an averge day for{insert name here} but then he/she met{insert name here}. now {insert name here} loveed {insert name here}but wanted to try vore.


vore in a nutshell part 1(comedy)

Warning:if you love vore please take no offense to the fallowing jokes in this story. so it was an averge day for{insert name here} but then he/she met{insert name here}. now {insert name here} loveed {insert name here}but wanted to try vore.


A Little Something

**a little something** something this joke is presented by the five dragons corporation. the guardian-dragons reserve their right to ignore accusation and enjoy themselves.

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Five Nights at Furries

I think i'll tell a joke instead. ahem... how does madonna have sex?... like a virgin. hahahaha. funny, right? you'll get to hear more of those jokes later. let's face it, these jokes are never at a tail end for me hahaha. get it? tail end?

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Preaching to a Bear

Here's one such tale that you might want to save up for a good party joke.

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It was only a joke..

#1 of it was only a joke it would seem that patience is a virtue.. jake, as usual was in trouble. now for a 19 year old boy living with his parents that wouldn't be too much of a shock, however how he go into trouble is the real surprise.

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"life is too short not to do a little bit of practical joking." -krista allen life is one of those things where sometimes it is a sweet madame which offers its embrace to carry you through to whatever pleasures you might enjoy.

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The gold of paradise

#5 of joke for furry campfire or relax in good mood kazy discover the notion of eternity the four jokes to be read are independent; -scam in hell -lost paradise -the gold of paradise -crossed the desert reading in the timeline give the thread

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Laugh at a dragon, go to jail.

Works out better for all involved and even with the stupid jokes he tells, or perhaps because of, the town has plenty of revenue." the merchant stared at the magistrate for some time then burst out laughing.

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“Odd-Ass Podcast” =D

Disclaimer: its all joking it's a dark humor comedy podcast, so if u like stuff like sleepycabin, give us a like & listen ;) we don't really mention furry stuff, but i'm a fur enthusiast =d so yeah lol we also have a facebook page =) we take

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