Where to next?

What's my next step? Should I even bother taking it? I feel lost in this maze. Confused by all the possible routes. I decide it would be best, If I do walk onwards. Slowly I move towards my goal, But I see all hope flee. A wall blocks my...

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Depths Bioluminescent lights twinkle and glow brighter, waking the border collie from her slumber. Her fluttering eyes struggle to open and her weary body barely has the energy to pull herself from bed. The bed makes a slick sound, like she was...

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The Labyrinth

It seemed they were moving closer to whatever was feeding the water into the labyrinth. fortunately for them, the strange azure glow continued to generate from the core from the center of the stream.

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The Labyrinth of Cardboard

It was at this point that when they all stepped forward into the labyrinth they all underwent drastic change. each of them was growing much smaller.

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The Maryville Amazing Maize Maze

But a labyrinth was just a single winding and twisting path. often they were just painted on floors of monasteries or abbeys or the foyers of annoying people smug in their knowledge of the difference between a maze and a labyrinth.

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The Guardians of Time Ep 14-Weather labyrinth investigation

#14 of the guardians of time the next labyrinth is now open, is there a clue to lucas's missing brother?. putting the time stones in the time panel the next labyrinth had opened up.

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The Guardians of Time Ep 9-Discovery

Soon the 2nd door was opened in which the door revealed a new labyrinth. the next labyrinth had led to a military themed one that was bigger than the last labyrinth by some margins according to theo.

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A whole new world Part 2

A whole new world Part 2 by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely a coincidence. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their...

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The Guardians of Time Ep 21-Water labyrinth investigation

The next labyrinth was a water themed one, and was the sixth labyrinth so far. it was also based on the theories of deep oceans. theo did his thing and scanned the labyrinth, and detected one stone and it ran about 13 floors deep.

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The Guardians of Time Ep 25-History Labyrinth investigation

After a while the labyrinth had shown the pasts of everyone on its many floors, even though this "history" themed labyrinth seemed intimidating but it wasn't. lucas had then picked up the 12th stone that was on a pedestal. "i guess.. that's all 12?"

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The Guardians of Time Ep 23-Hell labyrinth investigation

"one more and we will be able to explore the final labyrinth..."

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The Guardians of Time Ep5-The Time Machine

#5 of the guardians of time so it appears the first door is open to the desert labyrinth the three had walked inside the first portal which was a labyrinth styled like a desert pyramid, and it looked about to be 14 stories high.

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