The Sword in the Pebble

With each attack nait parried he felt himself forced backwards across the branch. "squeak!" nait refused to give up.

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He was younger than nait, and pretty small, closer to a cat than a human in size. and unlike nait, he didn't have a stitch of clothing.

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Zappy Zaps, Zappy Zapped

He looked everywhere and could find no sign of nait. at least not until the point nait suddenly rolled down his head and landed on his snout. "i'm not hiding! and you almost stepped on me! be careful!" nait chided. "nait?"

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Chisagi Brant Root Beer

nait asked with a laugh. "that's the idea yes." the chisagi tilted his head, as if completely confused by nait's skepticism. "you're absolutely certain it's not poison?" nait asked.

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Backyard Expedition

nait held the ring up and looked through it. as he did the sunlight shone through it, covering nait in green light. and then the world began to change. the first thing nait noticed, was the ring getting bigger in his hand.

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Three Shining Gems in the Dark

nait was also a werekitten. this meant he could change to calex's age of six and a half at will. which was not actually a huge change for nait. however, apparently the werekitten curse had modified itself to fit nait.

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New Friends

nait was one of the kids who wanted to be friends with literally every person he met. when he approached a new person, he was able to befriend just about anyone he met. nait often went out of his way to please people, regardless of their age.

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The Carnival

nait flicked his arms in an effort feeling like the day had gone rather poorly at this point. picking up his head, nait looked before him. the arch of the entrance to the carnival before him.

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A whole new world Part 2

After nait glossed over the cool surface, he felt like he didn't find anything and backed away. nait's face frowned heavily. "i don't know...i guess we shouldn't have followed the ball of light. maybe the lantern tricked us?"

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Temps de chien !

Mon nez s'allongeait et entraã®nait avec lui ma bouche et mon menton, formant un museau.

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Ah, la Vache !

Ainsi, une webcam trã´nait sur le lavabo et je me positionna devant le grand miroir installã© sur le mur, juste devant la douche, une idã©e de mes parents. c'est alors que je me suis vu dans la glace.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 19 - Revelations Amongst Frauds

naite iru kage's power was to destroy spatial light to the dark matter of space. leaving these black holes in their wake. no many techniques could defeat these but the bat mocked him further. "sever and cleave!" the bat roared.

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