Roommates 2: Socializing

I didn't think he'd be comfortable enough to banter with me, so this comment surprised and amused me greatly. "ha! that's the spirit!" i said, clapping him on the back and laughing. "carpe diem!

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Daisy and Boss: 14 - The Mare with the Mouth (Part one)

Boss smiled at her good naturedly and shook his head, and the next thirty minutes passed in amicable conversation and playful banter.

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A Taste of Something Else ~ Chapter 13

There was no fervid thoughts and expectations like last time he'd stayed the night, no jokes or banter or anything of that sort .we kicked our shoes off at the door, made our way down the hall, left our school things on my desk... and then curled up around

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Healing the Soul Chapter One

This banter had become part of their morning routine as it had with every one of eric's homeroom teachers. with his usual smile, eric strut to the back of the class to sit next to zel, "gooood morning zelly! how's the space odyssey coming along?"

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DSIU: Chapter Five

Before they knew it, however, their playful banter was cut short as they heard the tell-tale sounds of electronics, computer beeps, and all sorts of different games in action at one time. here and there the occasional classic phrases of, "hey!

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All's Fair - Part 1

Not that he gave me much chance; thirty seconds of banter, a couple nasty cracks each, and i'd been forced into a stall with him. i did warn him that if he tried it he'd be sorry. his idea of an appropriate response was to punch me.

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All's Fair - Part 2

Todd and becky were in this class too, as well as a couple of female deer on my other side, all of whom were fun to flirt and banter with. i skipped detention during lunch but decided not to go to my corner again.

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Ronnie's Story Ch. 3

Ray called, voice betraying his light banter with concern--and even a slight amount of fear. ronnie turned towards ray, surprised. he hadn't expected him back this early. tears were in ronnie's eyes.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 6c, Ghosts of the Past (Pt 3)

While her banter was normally engaging and entertaining he simply couldn't bring himself to reciprocate, "did you need something this evening, ms. de'ahm, or are you simply seeking companionship?"

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter11

Despite their disagreements and banter, regardless of her distance from the entire situation, combat shivers were already sinking into her.

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Rocky Mountain Times (Chapter 7)

They were all close friends now and used to this sort of banter. ryan laughed, "i'll bring her back safely."

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Windchaser - Stormy Night

This friendly chat and banter continued for a little while, changing from topic to topic and having a good laugh all the while. after a while though, cosmo's ears perked up and he 'looked' up towards the sky. "wow, we spent a lot of time out here.

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