Rocky Mountain Times (Chapter 7)

Story by SrA havenofimage on SoFurry

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#7 of Rocky Mountain Times

A week later, Jen stood in the middle of a small group of friends and local acquaintances. She, like all the others, was holding a glass of wine, enjoying food, and talking happily. They were all in the small office Jen had leased to serve as her new studio and gallery. Sam had put together the party as a surprise to celebrate its opening.

Earlier that evening, Sam had called Jen at home and asked her to come down to the new place to see something. Jen had finished putting the last few things in a box and headed out. The studio was above a tuning shop down town. The only entrance was a small glass door opening on to the narrow stairs going to the second floor. The door had been bare but as Jen walked up, she saw that it had something on it. Sam smiled as she approached.

"It's official now," said Sam pointing to the door.

Jen examined it. In gold block text, someone had painted "Jenifer Losch Professional Jeweler. Next to the text was the small, logo Jen had sketched for her business. It was a replica of one of her spots which looked remarkably like a J. As far as Jen knew however, she hadn't shown it to anyone.

"Where did you find that?" asked Jen, gesturing to the image.

"I was up in your studio while I was putting this together and found your sketch book lying out. It's not a problem is it?" Sam asked, almost nervously.

"No, I love it."

She embraced Sam, with tears in her eyes. Sam couldn't possibly know how much this meant to Jen, how much she meant to Jen. Jen looked back at the door. A sense of accomplishment filled her as she read those words again. She had her own business. She gave Sam another quick hug.


"Alright alright," said Sam, pushing her away and acting embarrassed. "Why don't you show me around the place?"

"There's not much to see, I haven't moved anything in."

"Oh, come on."

So Jen unlocked the door and lead her inside. As soon as her head rose over the railing, the lights came on and the group of people who had been standing silently at the back of the room started cheering. Jen looked back as Sam, who was wearing her mischievous grin, which always meant that she had been up to something.

"Did you do all this?" Jen asked.

"With help."

Jen finished the accent to greet every one. Ryan met her at the top of the stairs. She kissed him affectionately. Someone in the crowd whistled.

"Shut up Jim!" Ryan laughed.

The night had carried on nicely; the crowd was comprised of the small group of friends that Jen had met during her month here. Ryan left her after a while to talk to a few of his ski instructor pals. The crowd milled about, and Jen was allowed a moment alone in the back.

Sam walked up as a single tear rolled down Jen's face.

"Is something wrong?" asked Sam concerned.

"No," said Jen, grinning and fighting back more tears. "This means so much to me."

"It was nothing," replied Sam modestly.

"No it wasn't. I was having a lot of problems before I moved out here. I was afraid they would follow me. But you, you've done so much for me. You've been a greater friend than anyone could possible hope for."

Sam held her for a minute. Jen finally stepped back and whipped her face.

"Thanks," said Jen, smiling.

"That's what friends are for," said Sam, then, grinning, she slapped Jen gently on the back, "Go enjoy the party!"

That she did. Jen joined Ryan and spent the rest of the night happily talking, eating and drinking. Around eleven, couples and individuals began asking their leave, and the room began to empty. A few scattered conversations continued, but after a while only Jen, Sam and Ryan were left.

"Thanks again guys," Jen said to both of them, receiving smiles in return.

Ryan looked at them both, "You guys to come back to my place for a beer or something?"

"Sure, sounds good," replied Jen.

"I don't think I will," said Sam yawning, "I'm feeling tired. I think I'll go to bed."

Jen turned towards her.

Sam smiled and pretended to straighten Jen's shirt. "Don't worry darling, you look great," she joked.

They were all close friends now and used to this sort of banter.

Ryan laughed, "I'll bring her back safely."

They walked out together. Jen said goodnight to Sam and climbed into Ryan's truck. She had been to Ryan's home before. It was a nice place he had inherited, located up on the slope side of the valley, near the base of the Snowflake lift. It was pretty nice to stay there on the weekends for ski-in ski-out mountain access. Somehow though, this night seemed different. Jen couldn't quite place it.

Ryan quickly joined her inside, after parking. Jen was flipping through the channels on his TV. She watched as he hung up is jacket and walked to the kitchen. He opened the fridge, grabbed a pair of Bud Lights and tossed one to Jen. She caught it.

"Light," she added in mock exasperation, "are you calling me fat?"

Ryan laughed as he popped off the cap of his with a bottle opener. He raised the tool, offering it to Jen. She extended one of her long claws and used it to pry of the top.

"Show off," chided Ryan.

He joined her on the couch and kissed her.

"It's amazing that you have your own place now. I'm so proud of you."

He tried to kiss her again, but Jen stopped him with two fingers on his chest.

"You never answered my question," she purred "are, you calling, me fat?"

"Never," whispered Ryan kissing her nose.

Jen bent her head back so their lips met again. As they lay there on the couch, Jen knew that Ryan wanted her. She also knew that he would get her, but, she smiled to herself, nothing was free. She kissed him passionately and was returned in kind. Her hands slid over the taught muscles of Ryan's back. Jen inhaled deeply, the scent of his fur filling her lungs.

Then a new thought filled Jen's head. A though which had only visited her before in her deepest, unremembered dreams. It was the fact that she could think of it now that made her pull away from Ryan more than anything else. What would Sam feel like, pulled against her in a kiss?

Jen took a gasping breath. Her head cleared.

"Sorry," she replied to Ryan's look of confusion, "I had a little too much to drink."

She smiled and pulled his head back down to hers. She closed her eyes and felt the heat from Ryan's body. Her thoughts began to drift again as she ran her fingers though his short hair. How would Sam's smooth hair feel in her under her touch? What would her lips taste like, pressed against her own? How would Sam's soft hands feel sliding beneath her shirt along her back and...

Jen's eyes snapped open and she grabbed Ryan's arm that was doing just this. It wasn't that she didn't want Ryan to do it. No, it was that she couldn't be with Ryan, while having these thoughts about Sam. Jen climbed awkwardly off the couch and stood up panting. Ryan looked up at her inquisitively, almost hurt.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked, confusion etched on his face.

"I... It's just... I'm sorry."

She looked it too. Tears began to fill her eyes and her face bore an expression of worry, almost fear.

"I have to go."

"Well, do you want me to drive you back?" inquired Ryan, standing up.

"No, I need to go."

Jen didn't even grab her jacket as she stumbled out the door, tears now falling from her face. Then she ran. She ran down the street, and towards town. She passed through town, only a few bar goers now speckling the lit streets. The cold froze the tears to her fur, but she didn't feel it. Jen finally reached her own door, panting. What was wrong with her? She collapsed into the snow along the sidewalk. She stared up at the stars, the clear air and altitude filling the sky with more than she had ever seen.

Jen must have fallen asleep out there because when she came too, the stars were beginning to fade as the eastern horizon began to lighten from black to gray. Not wanting to wake Sam, Jen walked around the house, and climbed onto their back deck. She pulled herself onto the rail and sat there watching the sky turn to navy.

Perhaps nothing was wrong with her. Had society influenced her so much that she had ignored these feelings because Sam was a girl? Hadn't Jen said it last night? It had always been Sam who was there for her, who helped her, who encouraged her, who inspired her. Sam, who she loved. As that revelation hit Jen, the sun broke over the mountains, coloring the world before her.