Amongst it all, the sleek, golden form of the _hope's blade_ sat at anchor, continuously watched by firmament authorities, a massive dreadnought of the ancillary fleet being held in an overwatch position nearby. angelica's week was almost up.
Alternate Reality, Equine, Fantasy, Ferret, Horse, Manticore, Military, Sci-Fi, Tiger
''on the bridge as we speak, preparing the necessary paperwork for the ranger's last cruise whilst he's dealing with the synth overwatch.''
''excellent. we'll be there in five. spears out.''
Alien, Dragon, Dragoness, Fantasy, Feline, Ferret, Husky, Magic, Orc, Sci-Fi, Story, Story Series, Tiger, Wolf, Wolfess
I need overwatch if i'm getting to eve before they do. she should be ahead, anti-clockwise on the perimeter..."
Alien, Alternate Reality, Armor, Battle, Blood, Clean, Close Quarters, Collapse, Death, Destruction, Distraction, Evil twin, Explosives, Extrasolar, Family, Flanking, Golem, Guns, Hazardous Conditions, Hybrid, Jackal, Kinetic Barrier, Love, Medical Diagnosis, Medieval Technology, Meerkat, Multiverse, Nanites, Narcolepsy, No-Yiff, Non-lethal, Now You're Thinking With Portals, Otter, Piloting, Pincer Maneuver, Planet Glassing, Portal, Respite, Sci-Fa, Sci-Fi, Science, Search and Rescue, Shotgun, Singularity, Slingshot Maneuver, Starship, Tactics, Undead, Weapons, combat, enigma, escape, goddess, grenade, injury, laser, mech, nexus, parkour, rescue, shield, spaceship, stealth, strategy, takedown, taser, transportation
Hank, doug, you guys are on overwatch - if they or sandjaw try to bolt, you're up," sickle explained.
"gotcha. he ain't outrunning this demo man." doug said confidently with a nod. "go kick their asses."
Fanfiction, Lucario, Pokemon, Series, Team Valiant, blaziken, krookodile, sceptile
The others three approached the crater at a brisk walk once their overwatch was in place, their desire to quickly finish their mission and get out of the scorching heat and sun softening their instincts to approach cautiously.
Dragonien, Growth, Kulu-ya-ku, Macro, Story, mega, monster hunter