Fran and her roommate had talked about things that the jackal's best friend used to say a lot.
"i remember, yeah," fran had nodded.
"i... everything around here reminds me of her, fran," the jackal's roommate had broken down.
Adventure, Alien, Alternate Society, Amber, Amnesia, Anarchism, Anarcho-socialism, Anarchosocialism, Android, Aromantic, Asexual, Atheism, Atheist, Avalanche, Avian, Beetle, Bicycles, Bird, Black hole, Blue Jay, Breaking, Bug, Canary, Carpentry, Character Development, Cockroach, Communism, Cooking, Crime, Crinoid, Cryonics, Cyborg, Daughter, Death, Deinonychus, Depression, Dinosaur, Female, Food, Friendship, Games, Ghost, Giraffe, Glowworm, Grasshopper, Grassroots, Hedgehog, Heron, Hive mind, Hybrid, Hyena, Ice, Immortality, Insect, Investigation, Jackal, Kiwi, Lamprey, Machine, Mammal, Mantis, Mediation, Mega Man, Morphing, Moss, Mother, MtF, Multi-fur, Multi-furry, Multifurry, Murder, Museum, Mushroom, Mystery, Needles, No-Yiff, Noir, Novel, Object, Parrot, Partners, Plant, Plot Development, Porcupine, Possum, Postfurry, Pterodactyl, Remote control, Reptile, Revolution, Rhipicerid beetle, Roach, Robot, SFW, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-fiction, Scifi, Shapeshifting, Ships, Sieve, Smuggle, Smuggling, Snake, Socialism, Space, Space pirates, Speaker, Spider, Stealing, Story Arc, Tardigrade, Theft, Tool, Transformation, Transgender, Transhumanism, Transwoman, Treehopper, Trilobite, Video Games, War, Whodunit, Yoke, ace, anarchy, ant, ants, aro, bacteria, bikes, bioluminescence, break, brontosaur, chores, closet, clothes, dragonfly, drill, flamingo, friend, gaming, gasmask, hacking, invertebrate, loss, master, megaman, mental health, metamorphosis, mom, moth, multifur, objectification, orchid, partner, pirates, planet, plesiosaur, puffin, roommate, siren, spaceships, steal, stegosaur, tf, thief, thieves, tools, toucan, trans