Unique treasure
"well go on, we don't have all day...at least your precious prince doesn't." the queen presses forward not taking chances for now, especially with the prince's condition.
The Dragon and the Princess
After three days of traveling, prince alden fox and sir william badger finally arrived to the cave that was the dragon's lair. "art thou ready to maketh a rush on the blighter?", sir william whispered to prince alden.
The Lead Crown: Ch 4b, Your Highness (Pt 4)
Have a direct and face-to-face discussion with the prince reagent, thaddius rex.
A Hard day and night
The prince stalked into the room, a scowl on his lips. what he found was a single humanoid, dressed in black. he was a little broader than david, and far more muscular with a good three inches on the prince.
Tralla of Torlog
prince drak did not expand on his comment.
Consort of Ascalon: Prologue
"were you privy to any other plan to harm prince yvon or the house of ascalon?" "no." "do you intend to harm prince yvon or the house of ascalon?" "no. why would i." the woman lowered her voice.
The New Couple Chapter 1
After a few minutes, the prince's messenger came forward. when he reached us he said, "greetings i am the steward for the mighty prince of wels.
Deltarune: A Lonely Prince
The other kingdoms steeped in the darkness have their royal subjects, kings, queens and more; but this place only has a sole prince who lives by himself in the castle. young prince ralsei.
The Lead Crown, Ch 7.6 Thaddius
The prince regent took the time to collect himself, holding the doll close as he tried to ignore the sound of the voices outside the door.
chapter 1 Get Up!
"ok then i accept the assignment prince." i said as luna and i walked back to shining's and cadance's house that i was staining at till i could find a house. "princes if it not too much trouble can i ask that i get a house in ponyville?"
Duke & Alex; A Love Stained In Blood part 1
prince cooed with a smile as he stood upon noticing alex's presences. alex and prince both gave a small bow/curtsey of greeting, and took their seats. "thank you mr. haverghast." alex smiled as he spoke to prince.
Chapter 5: Hope for a Better Ending
"i'll get my master, the prince, and the weapons master, i'm sure they'll be glad to change yore mind." the rat started. "yer the prince's slave?" he hurridly opened the door.