The Lead Crown, Ch 7.6 Thaddius

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#85 of The Lead Crown

It is time once again to look in on the Heirs of Lehsunia but for the next few posts we're going to go about it a little differently!

Since Noriene and Group A have something of a combined storyline at this time, and because Brother Rhys' Contributing Reader has so graciously stepped out of the active plot, Prince Malcom is going to get a little more face time this go-around in the form of two posts instead of just one. Thaddius, of course, still gets his-- which is this precise post!

This is the second of 3 weekly posts detailing the events in the lives of Malcom and Thaddius. There will still be Maclom's final 7.6 post next Sunday, and then the following week we're right back to three posts every other week.

So... special post opportunity for Non-Contributing Readers only! It appears that there's trouble in paradise-- Prince Thaddius and Brother Maynard are at odds. What happens next will set the stage for a the finale as it pertains to the heirs. What happens next?

a) Thaddius and Brother Maynard share tea later and Thaddius relents, letting Brother Maynard do away with the Malc-- er... Calvin doll. (Influence three of the nine paths for the finale to the story)

b) Thaddius and Brother Maynard share tea later but there is no further talk of the doll. (Influences three of the nine paths for the finale to the story).

c) Thaddius and Brother Maynard share tea later and they continue to argue over the doll. (Influences four of the nine paths for the finale to the story).

d) Brother Maynard sends a servant up with Thaddius' tea and leaves the Prince Regent to drink alone. (Solidifies two of the nine paths for the finale to the story).

e) Struck by a sudden spark of inspiration, Thaddius decides to escape his room by climbing out the window. (Solidifies three of the nine paths for the finale to the story).

f) Potpouri (for those among the readers who are gamblers, this option will solidify three of the nine paths for the finale to the story and eliminate three other paths entirely).

This voting is open only until midnight on April 2nd, so be sure to weigh in!

Also, in case you may have missed it, the Contribution and Voting Journal is already up! Go there now and vote/contribute if you have not already:

Thanks for reading!

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 7.6, Forgotten Promises Thaddius

Music was a luxury Thaddius rarely had but, thankfully, it was also one he rarely needed. Keeping perfect time with the harmonies in his head, the Wolf spun on one foot as he led his partner in a twirl before swaying off in the opposite direction. He rested his head on the soft shoulder placed beneath his chin and closed his eyes, letting the ethereal music of his mind carry them around the room. It was, as always, perfect.

Thaddius hugged his dancing partner close. "I'm so glad you're here. It's been lonely without you... and you know what horrors await me at my worst. You are my strength... my anchor... my saving grace... you are--"

The sound of the doors to his bedroom opening caused the Prince Regent to freeze... but not as much as the startled exclamation. "Your Highness!"

The consternation in Brother Maynard's voice made the Prince Regent's fur stand on end. With the swirling steps of the dance at an end the body-sized Wolf doll in his arms hung limply. Slowly disengaging, Thaddius set the doll down on a chair. "Ah... Brother Maynard... you're... early."

The Dog stood in the doorway, a large collection of scrolls stuck beneath one arm. His surprised expression quickly shifted to one of displeasure, and then outright anger. "I came to have you address several edicts and decrees, Thaddius... and I find you prancing about like some thoughtless, lowborn yokel on First Spring's Day."

Thaddius felt his ears redden as he dug his toes into the carpet beneath his feet, "It... ah... was a proper courtly dance, Brother Maynard, not--"

The Priest was not interested in an explanation. "It is a distraction from pious thoughts and it inhibits your search for a healthful mind. This is NOT acceptable behavior for the King of Lehsunia, your Highness."

The Prince Regent let out a sigh, feeling the flush flow down to his cheeks in indignation. "It is company. Perhaps if I was allowed to have visitors I would not require--"

The Labrador barked out his disagreement. "It is a DOLL, and it is UNHEALTHY. Such a thing is poor company at best, and I will not stand for you to--"

Overcome by the frustration, Thaddius barked back. "Poor company is better than no company at all!"

The shout was uncalled for, the Prince Regent realized, but at least it had the effect of giving his mentor a moment's pause. When the Priest spoke up again it was in a much calmer, much more approachable tone. "I understand you desire more company, your Highness, and I regret that I have not been able to provide that to you as of late... I am sure you can respect the fact that a lot of energy goes into guiding the Kingdom while you take the time you need to get better. I promise I will strive to give you the attention you deserve as soon as the recent troubling events have quieted."

Thaddius nodded, appreciating his mentor's view. Regardless, he was not interested in surrendering his own point. Crossing his arms, the Wolf announced clearly "I don't mean to take up all of your time, Brother Maynard... perhaps if Malcom were allowed to visit again I would be able to--"

The Priest went right back to being unreasonable. "No. I will NOT hear of it, your Highness. Your brother is a poor influence on you. Now, I will take the doll so we can be rid of it. Honestly, I have no idea how you even came by such a silly thing in the--"

Thaddius grabbed his dancing partner off of the chair before the Labrador could get to him. "You will do no such thing to Malc.... in... Malcin-- er... Calom-- Calvin. His name is Calvin, and he will stay with me until you are available more often, or until you allow my brother's visits to continue."

The Priest's voice increased in volume greatly, his usual calm obviously disturbed. "IT HAS A NAME?!?! No! This will NOT stand, Thaddius, I will NOT abide by this--"

The Wolf's words came out as a growl. "I respect you, Brother Maynard, but do NOT forget yourself... or with whom you speak."

The Dog paused, appearing to take a moment to process the Prince's decree. Thaddius knew it was not right for him to speak against the Priest, but, at the same time, Brother Maynard's demands were not acceptable... The Wolf WAS Prince Regent, after all. After several small twitches of Brother Maynard's ears and an slight tucking of his tail, the Dog bowed his head. "As you wish, your Highness... I am merely concerned that such reliance on so unseemly an object for companionship is unhealthy for someone in your... condition."

The Prince Regent grunted, letting his hackles lower once the Priest started showing proper deference. "Then all the more important that I have visitors."

Brother Maynard grunted in ascent. "Very well, your Highness. I understand."

Thaddius' ears returned to an upright position and his tail began to sway from side to side with suitable royal enthusiasm. "Then my brother will be allowed to visit?"

The Priest shook his head. "No, your Highness... as I said, that is an unsound and unwise policy... but I will resolve to spend more time with you. It will result in no small amount of inconvenience as I adjust my schedule, and I will have to cut my sleeping hours, but if your Highness desires more company then it is my duty as your friend, mentor, and advisor to make the necessary sacrifices--"

The Wolf nodded, resisting the urge to scowl; he DID get what he wanted, didn't he? At the same time he lamented causing such trouble for his caretaker. "Perhaps if you let me sit in on some of the diplomatic meetings... I would very much like to meet with delegates from the--"

The Dog shook his head with certainty, "Out of the question, your Highness... you know what damage might be done to foreign relations if one of your... proclivities were to--

The Prince Regent slammed his paw atop the desk next to him. "Then Calvin stays, Maynard-- and you will NOT speak another word about him until you find a way to get me what I want!"

Thaddius was, in truth, as surprised at his own outburst as his mentor appeared to be. Rather than object further, Brother Maynard cleared his throat, gathered up the scrolls he had brought into the room, and made for the door, tail tucked down against his robe. "I can see this is a bad time, your Highness... I will return later... with your tea."

Unwilling to be moved from his stance despite the immediate unease he felt about yelling at his mentor, Prince Regent Thaddius nodded. "I think that would be wise... thank you."

The Wolf slumped down into the chair, collapsing onto the doll's lap. Hugging his dancing partner close, Prince Regent Thaddius sighed, sniffling slightly at the fool he knew he had made of himself. Brother Maynard had been trying to help, and all Thaddius had done was make a mess of things... as usual. He embraced Malcom. "I didn't mean to lie... he just wouldn't have understood if I told him who you really were... he doesn't REALLY need to know... it'll be our secret, brother... ours alone."

The Prince Regent took the time to collect himself, holding the doll close as he tried to ignore the sound of the voices outside the door. It pained him whenever he heard Brother Maynard talk about him, and the words 'increasingly unstable' were even worse. At least he drew comfort when he heard his mentor confirm that 'the pace of events should be increased'; it gave Thaddius hope that he would get better that much faster and that things would soon be as they should be. He took comfort in knowing that the Priest was making concessions for his impatience and took his concerns into account.