The Lead Crown: Ch 4b, Your Highness (Pt 4)
#18 of The Lead Crown
Welcome to part 4 of Chapter 4 for group B.
The story now is being told from Malcom's point of view and starts with a brief review of what has taken him from the River Tribe to Vallara. Malcom spends some time talking with the party and explains why he's in town and what is going on from his perspective. What we decide on now is where the story goes for the next post. This vote is for all of this group's Contributing Readers:
a) Stay in Vallara to help Prince Malcom establish peace and dismiss the Church amicably.
b) Separate from Prince Malcom as quickly as possible so he doesn't get lumped into the problems the group has with the Church.
c) Follow Prince Malcom back into the Tribal Lands where it is safer.
d) The healthy members of the party will return to Newport in an attempt to clear Friar Arlowe's name-- and thereby their own.
e) Go with Prince Malcom to Graddin to have a direct and face-to-face discussion with the Prince Reagent, Thaddius Rex.
Votes are due by midnight on Sunday, June 8th.
Thanks for reading!
Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 4-4, Your Highness
Prince Malcom was still with the River Tribe when the word came in from messengers that the Church had attacked the Yew Tribe. He was mortified to learn that there was a full-on battle at the tribe's camp. Stories had circulated for years among the Tribes of what happened when the 'Men of Symbol' laid waste to villages... they had never failed in obliterating entire tribes... until now.
His pigeons, as it turned out, were put to incredibly good effect. In addition to the Yew Tribe being forewarned, Prince Malcom's missive to the Valley Tribe succeeded im mustering aid for the Deer. Most important, however, was the pigeon he sent to Vallara. Although the Wolf had fully expected the Church to use the small eastern city as a staging ground for their warriors, he hadn't expected how willing the town would be to aid him. In the end, a full third of the Church's forces were detained in the city, making them unable to join the rest for the attack on the tribesmen.
Once Prince Malcom learned that Vallara had refused gate access to the Church's warriors he realized that a diplomatic issue would be soon to follow, and that meant his time with the River Tribe would be cut short. Rather than let him go alone, the tribal elders sent an honor guard with him. In addition to two warriors and a healer, his good friend Waterside was able to join him as well, and the five sent off at all due haste.
Although luck had seen the Yew Tribe through the attack, it seemed that neither 'the spirits' or 'God Himself' could make their luck last; it was during the travel from the River Tribe's southern village to Vallara that the luck ran out. A medium sized sortie of Church warriors retreating from their defeat at the Yew Tribe had not stopped to parlay; they had not announced themselves or sued for negotiations; they had not voiced demands or orders; they simply attacked. Although Malcom and his allies were successful, they were not without casualties.
Disgusted with yet more killing, Malcom himself downed three of the Church's hunters while Berro dispatched two. Each of the otter warriors defeated two while Waterside managed to hold his own, helping the healer drag one of their fallen warriors away from the fight. In the end, one of the warriors died, while the rescued warrior was in serious enough condition that they were required to create a stretcher sled. Malcom and Berro took turns dragging it until they finally arrived at Vallara.
At the Prince's request there was no pomp and circumstance to herald his arrival. He came into town quietly, the city council had carefully relocated the 'guests' from the Church they were 'hosting' so Malcom's presence would not further enflame them. The Lord Regent of Vallara, once a Tribesman himself went to great lengths to assist Malcom in finding a doctor who would be able to aid the wounded warrior. He and the remainder of his companions had been at the doctor for a day and most of a night when new guests arrived.
Despite the late hour, Prince Malcom was awake, and assisted them in settling into the doctor's home as the most injured member of their party, a young Raccoon Dog was brought into the operating room. A prong horn gentleman the Wolf recognized as a UPU scholar specializing in the tribe lands was also among them. That antelope, paired with seeing Runs-on-Air helped Malcom put two and two together; the men were from the Yew Tribe, and were likely the same ones he'd heard about who had been running from the Church.
The Prince took a seat in the sitting room by the fire once the men's shock at meeting him wore off. It wasn't that Malcom was used to being the center of attention-- it had just been awhile since it was due to his title. He had waited patiently for all of the formal address from each of the Lehsunians, and simply rested his right paw on Runs-on-Air's shoulder as the young stag did likewise with him, and they greeted one another accordingly. He also did the same with a black furred wolf a few years his junior; he recognized Aodhan, who had joined the Oak Tribe shortly after he himself had.
At Malcom's request, everyone finally sat down with him, and he got directly to the point, "I assume you were all at the Yew Tribe's village when the Church attacked. What can you tell me of it?"
Aodhan was the first to answer, speaking likewise in the common tongue, "My friends and I fled from Newport after one of our number was sentenced to be punished by the Church... he was not guilty of the crime for which he was accused. The Yew Tribe aided us when we were in need, and they earned the Church's wrath because of it."
Malcom looked critically at the group, "This is a grave affair if the Church is willing to cause such damage for one fugitive."
The demure, proper cat sitting beside Aodhan slid a paw into his and spoke up in a soft tone, voice holding the hint of an eastern kingdoms accent, "Your Highness, Friar Arlowe was accused of doing the work of the Dark One."
Berro looked up from his large pillow by the fire, "Owr?"
The Prince glanced to his companion, "They're friends, Berro."
Malcom waved away the curious looks from the Lehsunians, "I am still wondering about this sentencing, and the reasoning behind their accusations."
The rat among them, dressed in the robes of a priest had his paws placed in his lap, posture indicating openness and honesty, "There is no better place to seek an answer than from the lips of the man behind the cause of the question." he gestured to the operating room, "Friar Arlowe, the father of the young man who is waiting to be helped is the monk that the Church accuses of such a thing."
The Wolf's ears focused in on the priest, "Are you not the Church as well, Sir Priest?"
"Brother Rhys, your Highness... and yes, I am of the Church, but 'God bade all men have their own mind, and follow not but their heart in the service to God.'."
Prince Malcom smiled, remembering that passage well, "Book of Geron... I always liked his teachings... Geron was the second Scrivener, if I remember correctly."
Brother Rhys' ears turned faintly red and the rat bowed his head, "You are obviously well read, your Highness."
Malcom smiled, inclining his head to the Priest, "My father and brother were always great proponents of the Church's teachings. I spent my first ten years learning all there was to being a devout noble."
The cat, still holding Aodhan's paw, spoke up in a slightly louder voice, "Your Highness... this is why we believe in Friar Arlowe. He has done just that, and remains a faithful servant of God's will."
Berro got up from his spot at the fire and moved to lay his head on Malcom's lap. Rubbing his Bonded behind the ear, the Prince nodded simply, "A Priest, a Monk..." he paused for a moment, examining the clothing of the feline, "A Sister Divine?"
Aodhan spoke up at the observation, "All in service to God, Wild Wolf."
Malcom's eyes drifted to the black wolf, "Runs-on-Air I understand being here, but that leaves you and the scholar, Aodhan of the Oak."
The cat's ears were blushing, most likely due to the Prince's recognition of an affiliation, but the feline was quick to address him, "Aodhan and I were both raised in the same orphanage... he helped us get to this point."
Before Malcom could address it, Runs-on-Air spoke to him in the tribal tongue, "These are all good people."
Without pause, the Prince asked his earlier question to the young buck, "And the prong horn waiting to see the doctor?" he motioned to the closed door, "He was among your tribe learning of your people?"
Runs-on-Air shook his head, "No, Friend Wild-Wolf, he has come to our tribe before, but this time he came with the Valley Tribe to assist us when the Men of Symbol attacked."
Aodhan spoke up immediately, likewise in the tribal tongue, "A number of Lehsunians were with the Valley tribe when they came to aid the Yew Tribe. I learned of God from the Sisters Divine, Wild-Wolf... but I know enough of the Church to see that they are not always right. The men that came to the Yew Tribe did so to MURDER people."
The way Aodhan seamlessly switched between Common and the tribal tongue led Malcom to believe that the Wolf was far more learned than his tribal garb suggested; he smiled at their similarities. In the end, however, the Prince switched back to Common for the benefit of everyone present, "After I alerted the various tribes I also sent a missive here to Vallara. After I learned that the town had detained Church troops it was impossible for me to stay in the tribe lands-- I had to return here and settle things."
Brother Rhys spoke calmly, "How is it you have come to stay with Dr. Brownell? Is he an acquaintance of yours?"
Malcom smiled at the rat's question, but only for a moment, "I came to the doctor for the same reason as you-- companions with which I was traveling were injured. As for whether or not I knew Dr. Brownell before my visit? No, I had never met her before last night."
The cat's ears perked, "Did you say, 'her'?"
The Prince smiled wider, "Yes, I--"
The door to the exam room burst open and a very disheveled antelope scholar emerged, quickly buttoning up his shirt, "She-- the... I mean to say-- Doctor..."
Aodhan spelled it out for him, "The Mouse woman is the doctor."
The scholar froze in place, though his fingers continued smoothing out his clothes, "You knew? Why didn't you say something?!?!"
Malcom stood, causing Berro to grumble as his head was displaced, "They just found out themselves, sir."
The prong horn froze on place and immediately bowed deeply, "I... er... Tobias Severna, of the University of Progressive Thought. At your service, your Highness."
The wolf smiled, but only faintly, "You are injured, Mr. Severna. Did these men not bring you to see the doctor?"
The scholar nodded, "Yes, Prince Malcom... though my wounds are not too severe if you are in need of someth--"
"Then you should have the doctor see to you."
The antelope fidgeted, "Your-- Your Highness... the Doctor is a... a..."
Dr Brownell emerged from the open doorway, leaning against the wall with a bored expression on her muzzle. The Mouse finished for him, "A woman."
Tobias jumped as if he'd been stung by a bee, and spun around to face her, taking a step back into the room, "My... my apologies, ma'am... but--"
"Doctor." she interrupted him, "Ma'am is a title for a woman without a certificate of merit from the University." she motioned to the wall where a framed paper was posted in a very conspicuous manner.
The prong horn glanced to it for a moment, then back to her, "Chris... Chris Brownell... your husband? Titles do not extend to one's spouse, so I hardly--"
The Mouse interrupted him again, "Me. It is my certificate, and I am unmarried, Sir. My name is DOCTOR Christina Brownell, and I am the only Doctor who is available at this hour. Now... I can offer you my services despite your less than courteous manner, or you can wait for the other half of the night to pass before going to see someone else. I will leave that decision up to you because I have far too many patients to see as it is without trying to argue with a reluctant one."
Tobias' ears were inflamed horribly, and his muzzle moved several times as if trying to form words. In the end, he let out a deep sigh and turned back toward the room, "I apologize, Doctor... my reaction was uncalled for and unprofessional. To say that I was surprised would be greatly understating the point as I have never before heard of--"
The Mouse motioned back to the exam room, "Let's just leave it at that before you cause further insult, shall we?"
Malcom considered himself a goodly man who wished well for others, but he still couldn't keep himself from smiling at the hopelessly embarrassed expression on Tobia's muzzle as he followed the Doctor back into the room; the antelope's visage only grew paler when Dr. Brownell let him know he'd have to take his shirt off again. "It is... I mean... how many hours until another doctor will--?" the objection was cut off from hearing as the sturdy door closed behind them.