Ransom Soul (2013)
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, the following story is fanfiction. An: An old story from when I was Gardie. This version has minor changes to the text. _Thoughts_ \<Pokemon speech.\> "Human speech." ----- Ryan was fourteen-years-old and had been...
The Dragon and the Princess
"mine desire beith ransom money...meh beist holding thine princess until thine king payeth meh one million deblumes of gold". "that beist a grand abundance of money", alden fox replied.
Average Night
He was thusly knocked unconsious and dragged off to a getaway van for ransoming. some hours later, catso woke up with a headache and ropes around him, binding him to a chair, as a beefy looking rodent was writing a ransom letter slowly.
a story to be remembered part one
Max: "theres the couple" he sniggered lightly ransom: "about time too i was getting bored.." he sulked. ransom was in envy of naru for loving shadow. he would always try and get between them to stop them from being together but they was still friends.
A Kings Ransom and A Family Reunited
After burying his father Zeng took his sword and shield as a last reminder before heading off with the others, for days he did nothing but train and train until he collapsed from exhaustion while Abby watched from the sidelines and she could see the...
The Hunter's Notes
Forget a king's ransom; you could buy a planet with some of this stuff. a hefty portion of the outsider's knowledge of the universe, in the palm of your hand.
Emperor henry, of course, signed the ransom note. that wolf knew where the king was hidden, but there was no hope in approaching him for information.
The hack: Chapter 12 (Aron)
What is the actual ransom?" someone asked. "maybe they asked for people's files?"
Star Fox Reborn Chapter Three
ransom or no ransom!" james roared, ripping his blaster out of its holster. gray stopped. "ransom! there ya go! that wasn't so hard, now, was it?" he snickered, proud of himself. "what?" james breathed, confused.
They've probably been taken for ransom; crews are more valuable that way, they make a good chunk ransoming crew back to their companies or families, if the ship they hit is small enough.
Hunting Death-Collapse
But given how much they would make in ransom for miss sheira and the value of that scythe you displayed in town, it was clear that that was an opportunity that they would never pass up.
The hack: Chapter 2 (Trent)
This gives it the message that they have been hacked and the way to deliver the ransom, along with some 'visual flair' i found on the internet which is a mime trying to shove a large carrot in its mouth, you get the idea.