A Kings Ransom and A Family Reunited
#12 of Legend of the Tiger Clan
After burying his father Zeng took his sword and shield as a last reminder before heading off with the others, for days he did nothing but train and train until he collapsed from exhaustion while Abby watched from the sidelines and she could see the sadness in his eyes. As Zeng fell to his knees he looked at his hands now covered with blisters from gripping his sword so hard but stil he wanted to get stronger as he tried to reach for his claymore but his arms refused to move.
"Just a few minuetes more *pant*-? Abby!"
Abby decided that he should stop and knelt down to bandage his hands while he just sat there in some kind of trance.
"Just give these bandages a few days and your hands'll be back to normal."
As Zeng prepared to leave the room Abby wrapped her arms around him and held him close, comforting him and calming him as she did so.
"I'm sorry about your father..."
".....I can only remember him holding me as I first came into this world...I have no memory of my mother Saline but....at least I have a big sister to look out for me."
Abby smiled knowing that Zeng thought of her as a big sister as they went down below to join the others for dinner. After a few more days the ship finally arrived at the area marked on the map to the fortres's location. Kerric ordered the ship to a halt so that they could continue on foot.
The area they were in was a blackened charred wasteland as far as the eye could see and the sun barely shined through the clouds covering them, they soon came upon a dead forest covered with an eerie fog and on one of the trees Angel spotted a sign that gave a grim warning.
"All who enter...never return."
"Be on your guard...no telling what might be lurking in this fog."
Zeng stated as he and Kerric drew their weapons in case anything tried to ambush them while Abby climbed to the treetops to get above the fog and scout ahead while making sure to stay close to the others. It seemed like they had been going in circles until Kerric slammed into what felt like a concrete wall as he rubbed his nose and checked if it was bleeding.
"Jeeze!! that stings! ow!"
"Uh guys...you might wanna come up here..."
Whatever Abby was seeing made her starstruck, as the others climbed up an individual tree they saw something truly amazing. The fortress they had been searching for had a tower in the center as tall as a mountain an the walls looked like they were brand new and all around each wall was armed with a balista ready to fire.
"There's the way in!"
Angel pointed to a stone bridge narrow enough to make an army march in two straight lines, using her magic Angel cleared away the fog showing them the path to the bridge where they soon made their way into the fortress.
The courtyard of the fortress felt like a graveyard as the howling of the wind blew into the empty halls and on the main door Zeng spotted a pair of banners bearing his mark and he knew they were in the right spot.
"Alright we'll split up into groups. Abby your with me, Angel you go with Zeng, watch out for traps."
It was no surprise that Abby and Kerric would parnter up as Angel and Zeng gave as smirk and shook their heads before taking the west part of the fortress, Zeng lit an old torch he found in the halls and as he lit another one he set of a chain reaction as a series of lanterns were suddenly set ablaze.
"Looks like this place still has some magic left."
Stated Angel as Zeng drew his fathers shortsword knowing his claymore and axe would be useless in a narrow hall. After a couple of minuetes wandering in the halls Zeng and Angel heard a strange noise coming from around the next corner, Zeng carefully laid the torch aside while Angel prepared a lighting blast and the moment the two darted out from the corner they found themselves staring at Abby who was naked and on top of Kerric.
Abby kicked Zeng straight through a wooden door which left a perfect resemblence of his bodies outline followed by a loud jingling noise as Zeng crashed to the floor. Abby had never felt so embarassed as her face was flared up while she got dressed then as Zeng popped his head out the hole in the door Kerric saw that he was wearing a crown on his head and a few jeweled necklaces around his neck.
"What the?"
Zeng found another torch next to him and as he lit it a sudden burst of light filled the room blinding them for a second then as they slowly opened their eyes they found themselves staring at piles upon piles of gold and jewels.
Abby and Kerric were the first to jump into the treasure hoard and Angel soon followed, even Zeng was amazed by this wealth as he picked up a ruby with both his hands, a jewel like that could by him his own land and castle, as they moved deeper into the treasure Zeng found a strange pedastal with the mark in a rectangle about the size of a playing card.
"Hmmm? I wonder..."
Zeng then pulled out the card from the fortune teller and placed it on the pedastal then suddenly the card vanished in a flash of light and a small rumbling sound followed and from the small black pit emerged the item Zeng came searching for; The dragon killer Smolder.
The swords scabbard was decorated with golden dragons scales and the hilt was made of solid steel and as Zeng drew the sword magic letters that were written along the edge of the blade began to glow and as the light faded Zeng read the letters aloud.
"Wield me true and you will cut through dragon scales like silk."
Then suddenly the room became filled with darkness and from that darkness came spectres who were obviously protectors of the treasure, the spectres began swriling around them as they tried to kill them only to have their weapons and magic pass through their bodies.
Then when it seemed like they were doomed a sorceress appeared out of nowhere holding a staff with a strange jewel decorating the top she soon raised her arms as her eyes glowed with her power then the spectres suddenly began to tremble with fright but for some reason they could not move.
The specters were then burned away by a burst of holy light as they screamed in agony and as the light settled the sorceress approached the group Zeng recognized her and stepped in front of the others.
"hello my child."
The sorceress then hugged Zeng as tears of joy streamed down their faces. It was Saline; Zengs mother who had long been watching her son, Saline looked at her son, seeing how much he had grown and pulled him in for another hug leaving the others touched.
"I have missed you so much...my baby..."
The End.