a story to be remembered part one

Story by candyman on SoFurry

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#1 of a story to remember

shadow smiled as naru walked towards him bag on his shoulder and a grin upon his face, shadow was deeply in love with his friend naru but couldn't tell him for fear it may harm their relationship and risk denial. naru smiled looking at the familer face of the love of his life shadow. they had been friends for so long and both contained love for each other but was scared of the others reaction. Shadow walked to naru with his bag in hand and blushed slightly hugging his friend, Naru blushed slightly feeling the warm embrace of shadow's furry body. slowly they took of walking to school talking and acting like themselves, this was a side to them that most of their friends didn't know, it was a side only they felt comfortable sharing with eachother. Slowly they walk through an empty street, naru looks up at the sky admiring the beautiful colours, as he did Shadow's gaze was on the orange fox looking into the clouds, he sighed lightly and looked away as naru's gaze turned to him. They both blushed and turned away from looking at eachother. shadow rubbed the back of his head slightly as naru smiled at him, shadow knew he shouldn't love his friend like this. to think this proud black wolf would surcome to love a common fox and a friend no doubt. Naru couldn't help day dreaming about a life he wanted so badly. his heart longed for shadow, he loved one of his best friends but he knew he shouldn't, Shadow is a wolf and hes just a fox. they bearly managed to get to the school gates before the bell wrang. They slowly waved to their friends waiting for them against the school walls; Rawbi, ransom, Max and his younger brother zack, zack was a junior and shouldn't be here but he didn't care, if any teacher asked zack why he was here he'd flip them off and run away. Max: "theres the couple" he sniggered lightly Ransom: "About time too i was getting bored.." he sulked. Ransom was in envy of Naru for loving shadow. he would always try and get between them to stop them from being together but they was still friends.

Rawbi yawned and outstreched upon an angry zack. Zack: "Would u get the hell off of me!" he struggled pulling himself from out under the femine yellow dragon. Max just laughed as the two started fighting. Naru and shadow are both blushing wildly from maxes statement about them as a couple. shadow hid slightly from naru when his friends was around, he didn't want to be found out as the wolf in love with a lowly fox. Naru didn't have much of a choice being away from shadow as he distanced himself from him, the bell wrang and they moved to first class... Shadow found himself gazing into the back of naru's head as the class droned on not knowing that he was staring. murrmers was heared as the teacher asked questions but shadow was deep in his mind thinking of naru when suddenly naru turned around. Shadow surprised looked around to see the class looking at him. Teacher: "I said.. what was the name of ninth man on the moon Shadow.." he asked impatietly. Shadow fumbled trying to think of the answer and looked around for help, Naru slowly lifted a peice of paper from under his desk in shadow's direction just enough for him to see the name written upon it.. [Jhon Young] Naru smiled at shadow reassuring him and shadow blurted it out quickly. teacher: i see..so u was paying attention after all, just stop day dreaming shadow. he murrmered. Shadow's heart skipped a beat knowing how close he was to a detention and humiliation. Naru winked at shadow and turned bk around, shadow watched amused as naru drew somthing in his book though he couldn't see as he was two seats behind. Naru continued drawing love hearts with shadow and naru inside as he smiles to himself thinking of how he helped shadow. the lessons continued on as boring as usual and the bell wrang for lunch. Naru ran through the corridors quickly trying to meet up with his friends and get his favourite lunch, he ran to the line and was dissapointed as his favourite lunch was all out of stock. he slumped beside shadow glumly feeling cheated out of his lunch. shadow slowly slid over somthing to him. it was naru's favourite lunch, shadow had gotten out of class early and bought naru his favourite lunch as a surprise. Naru beamed and hugged his friend tightly, shadow blushed alittle and began eating his food. Naru slowly ate his food and couldn't help smiling about it. slowly as lunch ended and school was coming to an end he found himself in a corridor but didn't remember where he was, he started running looking for his class, he tugged open his dorm room door and bolted inside. Shadow was slowly leaving the classroom to go to the toliet as naru bolted into him knocking him off of his feet with naru ontop of him, Naru had this strange feeling against his mouth, he slowly opened his eyes as shadow did and they both looked in each others eyes as they shared their first kiss infront of the whole class...to be continued.

so um yeah my friend made this and he doesn't have an account and cant get one so he asked me to put it on. hes new to righting so go easy on him :3 kthxbye

copy wright by naru

unfinished. chapter two:

"SHADOW!!!" Max yelled at the top of his lungs as he ran out of the house through the cold streets of town looking for his friend that had ran out on him. Mean while in a ally away shadow was hiding in a box whimpering softly. All of a sudden Shadow...

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chapter one: The Flame Burns

Walking home from school Shadow was thinking about how he was going to spend his summer, he knew this was the summer he was going to move out of his parents house and move in to an apartment, he was over joyed with the thoughts of being on his own no...

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