A New Life in a New Body: Get Away

He is a brown bear. **you are mr. moulder i presume? he asked.** **yes.

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Blue: Chapter 4

Black tried to sit up, but the large brown bear gently pushed him back down. "take it easy black," brown said "and stop calling me 'sir' you know how i hate that." "s-sorry brown." "it's alright." brown smiled ruefully.


The Riders 4

Looking over at the ursine i saw he was the typical brown bear brute and had the enormous double axe strapped to his back to prove it.

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From End to Beginning

He first looked at kelso, a tall brown bear that towered josh, at a massive 6' 4", and 230lbs of grizzly meat. next looking to ciara, a small little rabbit of 5' 2", and 130lbs.

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Marriage Part One

"dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of these two furs," began the priest, a small chubby brown bear. "if there are any here you object to this union please speak now or forever hold their peace."


All Hallow's Fright

A large brown bear opens the door before they reach the first trick smiling and waving them in.


Teddy Bear

The little brown bear hefted a leg over the edge, then another, lowering himself down to the next shelf. he was greeted by a fluffy white unicorn and a pile of puffkins.

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A Pleasant Walk

A brown bear speaks with a friendly smile as the pass by the innkeeper. "we're doing fine, rinaldo." elena speaks holding her husband's hand, "we're heading over to the pond. "aye, i'm all elena's today, my friend."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 29: Changing The Game

My brown bear said. so as afternoon started to turn into evening i looked after the rhino and bear. i had my perfect person lie on her stomach as i gave her a full body massage to help her relax and sleep.

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