A Pleasant Walk

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#1 of Azican Tales

A knight and his wife stroll through town


A young she-wolf wearing a blue silken dress with white hems leans her right side against an oak doorframe. Her steel gray fur bristles at every movement the one in front of her makes, her left hand brushes her gray neck fur as she watches the one within the dark red walled bedroom. Her emerald, green eyes ogle a male wolf. She watches his dull gray furred; muscular arms flex as he buckles the belt of his trousers, she silently swoons as his toned brown chest stretches as he pulls the light blue tunic over himself. The gray faced male wolf sits on their bed, the violet quilt bows to his weight, and he begins to pull his black boots on. Glancing up, he jumps with a start upon noticing the gray wolf, his hand over his chest as he exhales.

"By Nett, Elena, how long have you been standing there?" the surprised male asks as his wife comes to sit beside him on the bed.

"Not long enough." She hums resting her head on his shoulder, her emerald eyes alight with adoration, "I love you, 'Zio."

The male turns to her, softly brings his hand to her muzzle, and gently plants a kiss on her lips, "I love you more than the moons, my dear."

Looking at their portrait on the wall behind him, she hums again, "Something is missing from the canvas."

"What is it?" he asks turning to look at the image, concerned they were cheated on their painting.

"I'm probably imagining things." She sighs with delight, turning him to face her again, looking into his fiery amber eyes, "Would you like to walk with me to the pond?"

"Of course, Love." He smiles, "It's a beautiful morning."

She smiles and stands. Holding her right hand out, the male takes hers and follows her out of the bedroom and into the oak floored hallway, white walls decorated with trinkets and paintings. The main entrance of the home is decorated with his well fit steel armor and weapons. His family crest embroidered on a banner above the hearth in the shape of a golden wolf's ear.

Elena looks at 'Zio every so often with an eager smile. It had been ten years since he freed her from the slavers. She was wary of him at first, afraid he would put her back in to the slave trade, but he taught her how to read, how to mend flesh, and how to protect herself. Without him, the town would not exist, nor would the children be playing in the cobblestone streets.

The morning summer sun warms the village, white smoke billowing from the inn's chimney paints the cloudless cerulean sky. The faint smell of fresh baked bread wafts through the air, the laughing of children echoes from the market. An axe splits wood for the fire. The two get approach the inn and meet a tall, muscular grizzly bear.

"Fabrizio; Elena, how are you this morning?" a brown bear speaks with a friendly smile as the pass by the innkeeper.

"We're doing fine, Rinaldo." Elena speaks holding her husband's hand, "We're heading over to the pond.

"Aye, I'm all Elena's today, my friend." Fabrizio smiles, "How's Emilie doing?"

The bear sighs, "She'll be alright, just a little bruised. I told her the moss on those rocks behind the inn are slippery, but she doesn't listen. She's just like me."

Elena speaks up, "Send her to our home later, I can teach her how to make a salve soothe the pain."

"Thank you, Elena, I will." The bear says with a grin, "Ah, I've taken too much of your time anyway, enjoy your morning, my friends."

The wolves say farewell and walk through the center of the town market. The crisp smell of breads, steamed broccolis and potatoes, and the heavenly sweet, honeyed cakes linger heavily in the air, as well as the shouts of the vendors. Elena hesitates in front of a floral vendor, glancing at a bouquet of white lilac surrounding a trio of roses. Without saying a word, Fabrizio releases her hand and buys the bouquet for her.

"Oh 'Zio, you didn't have to." She gasps in surprise as he picks the bouquet up for her, "It's quite beautiful, but you di-"

"I know, but I like watching you smile." He grins looking into her eyes.

Her skin beneath her fur brightens red as she blushes with a smile and accepts the flowers with both of her hands. She quickly wraps her arms around his neck with the floral boutique in her hand. He does the same and inhales her sweet lavender perfume. The noise of the market fades as he holds her close, like he did three years ago when they wed. The world stops in its tracks as the musical sound of her voice whispers in his ear.

"I'm pregnant." She says holding him tight.

The wolf stops, did he hear her correctly?

"What did you say?" he asks with confusion.

She lifts her eyes up to meet his amber ones, "We're having a pup."

Fabrizio swallows, "We're going..."

"We're going to be parents." She grins and lovingly gazes up into his eyes, "Thank Kata, our baby will live in a safe town with friends."

The male stays silent for a moment, his wife worried that he doesn't like the news. His ears perk as he looks into her eyes.

"I'm going to be a father?" he asks thinking it's a joke to receive a nod, "I'm going to be a father!"

He pulls her closer; kisses her muzzle, "I love you! Elena, this is wonderful!"

Her cheeks burn brighter red, "I wanted to tell you at the pond. And the flowers... I couldn't bare holding a secret anymore."

"Come, let's go to the pond." He suggests, "To escape the crowd and plan for our newborn."

"Would you be upset if it was a girl?" Elena looks away, knowing all knights wish for a son.

"Absolutely not!" he answers truthfully pulling her gaze back up to his, "Our daughter will be loved all the same. And I will be there alongside you, my love... my two loves."